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"Hobi it's been 3 days since you left please answer your phone atleast." Yoongi said calling the latter for the 100th time running out of patience of waiting for the latter to come back home on his own.

"You know he won't answer, we should go out there and look for him." Taehyung said and Yoongi frustratedly threw his phone across the wall out of anger, the phone shattering into pieces.

"Haneul is also my baby, I get it if he wants out of our marriage but I deserve to be in Haneul's life too!" Yoongi spat angrily and Taehyung gently massaged the back of his neck to calm him down.

"I know you're upset but please stop thinking about separation, I'm sure Hobi is just upset so let's try to find him first okay." Taehyung suggested and Yoongi nodded grabbing the car keys.

"I'll drive, you can't drive when you're like this." Taehyung told him

"No I'll drive I can do it." Yoongi insisted and Taehyung hesitantly let him be. So the two drove out to go look for Hoseok.

"Slow down please." Taehyung begged his heart beating rapidly as he held onto the seat belt for dear life not liking how fast Yoongi was driving.

"I'm so glad you're finally awake baby I was so scared thinking you're gonna leave me all alone in this cruel world." Jungkook said kissing the back of Jimin's hand multiple times.

"I thought I was gonna die too. I'm shocked, the doctor said I'm fine and will be ready to go home soon." Jimin exclaimed happily remembering the time when Nayeon shot him and he thought it was the end of road for him.

"If that b*tch was not in jail I'd kill her myself." Jungkook said anger taking over him.

"Woah! Calm down I'm fine and she was arrested, so all is well." Jimin tried to calm his husband seeing how he was getting worked up, his veins were even popping out when he mentioned Nayeon.

"Things will not be okay ever!" Jungkook subconsciously blurtted and Jimin furrowed his brows confused.

"Why not? I'm good, you're good, she's in jail and she won't bother us no more." Jimin said clueless and he saw a tear fall down Jungkook's cheek which the latter tried to wipe away fast but it didn't go unnoticed.

"What's the matter my love, something happened that you're hiding from me right? What did she do?" Jimin asked worried about his husband. Jungkook debated with himself whether to tell Jimin or not but he thought secrets are not good in relationships so he decided to tell him the truth.

Jungkook held Jimin's hands and rubbed them with his thumbs which scared Jimin wondering what Jungkook was about to say.

"Baby y-you were two weeks pregant when you got shot." Jimin felt like his world just stopped.

"Why are you speaking in past tense?" He asked in denial not wanting to believe what he was hearing.

"Because... The baby is gone baby, the baby is no more." At that moment Jungkook felt like breaking down and let it all out but he chose to be strong for his husband who looked at him with wide shocked eyes tears falling from them.

"I was pregnant? She killed my baby?" Jimin faintly asked holding his tummy and right there he broke down and cried like a little baby. Jungkook hugged his husband and finally let his tears fall too.

"I didn't want to tell you these h-heartbreaking news but you deserve to know t-too. I'm sorry baby it's all my fault." Jungkook said his voice breaking as he was also crying. Jimin felt the tears on his shirt and he hugged his husband even tighter and they cried together.

"Shh don't say that, it's not your fault. We just encountered a bad person." Jimin said with his broken voice and the two just cried on each other's shoulders until they were both calm.
"So Jungkookie.." Jimin started after a while and the both of them were calm now.

"Yes love.?" Jungkook gave him all his attention.

"About your baby that she's carrying..." Jimin hesitated to ask.

"The baby is not mine. She was lying all along, I never even slept with her." Jungkook assured seeing the worried look on his husband's face.

"What? She's such a b*tch, she put us through all this hell for what? I really hate her!" Jimin spat angrily and Jungkook held his hand and gently squeezed it to calm the latter down.

"Please don't get too upset it's not good for you, you're still recovering." said Jungkook feeling worried about his husband since he was not yet fully recovered.

"I just hate her, I really do." said Jimin as he sat back properly and a tear ran down his eye that he quickly wiped not wanting his husband to see.

"If I could I would kill her with my bare hands, I hate her that much." Jungkook said glaring onto the floor with greeted teeth veins popping out on his forehead, just the thought of Nayeon made him crazy mad.

Jimin looked at his husband not liking how this topic made him so angry. He decided that he'll not mention Nayeon ever again and will try to move on past all the pain that she has caused them.
"Hoseok speaking how may I help you?" Jhope said as soon as he answered the call.

"You're speaking to doctor Lee I got your numbers from Mr Min Yoongi's emergency contacts." The doctor informed Hoseok who frowned.

"Why are you calling me though is something wrong with him?" Hoseok asked curious.

"Him and Mr Kim Taehyung were involved in a car accident and..." The doctor was saying but Hoseok cut him short.

"Acci-what? Where how? Are they okay? Which hospital is it I'm coming right now." Hoseok quickly dressed up the baby with warmer clothes and took his car keys walking out to his car.

"Oh Lord please let them be okay." Hoseok prayed on his way to the hospital.


A month later.

"Jiminah..." Jungkook called out.

"Huh?" Jimin answered absentmindedly.

"You're zoning out again babe. I'm starting to become worried now and don't tell me you're fine cause clearly you're not." Jungkook said squatting in front of Jimin who was sitting on the couch staring at the TV cause he definitely wasn't watching it.

"I'm fine babe I swear." Jimin promised but Jungkook knew that his husband was lying to him, he really wanted to know what's eating Jimin up, the latter was even losing weight but he decided to not pressure him and take it a day at a time even though deep down he was slowly losing patience and wanted to force Jimin to speak up.

"Okay but please when you're ready to talk, I'll be all ears or you can go see a specialist if that's better for you." Jungkook said gently squeezing Jimin's hand who just nodded.

"I'm okay, I'll be fine." Jimin said giving a faint smile to his husband and Jungkook faked a smile but deep down he just wanted his old bubbly Jimin back.

After they came back from the hospital Jimin had never been the same, although he tries to act like he's fine but his husband knows him too well. He can see that he's not fine but he just doesn't know how to help the latter as he is not opening up to him which hurts him a lot. Even though he wants to be his support system, he decided to let him be for now.

"Come on dinner is ready." Jungkook said standing up, taking both Jimin's hands in his and made him stand up. The two went to eat in complete silence with Jungkook constantly stealing glances from his husband and Jimin constantly zoning out every now and then, hardly eating his food.
What do you think is wrong with Jimin?

What will happen to Taehyung and Yoongi?

Hii :)

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