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"Hoseok baby" Yoongi mentioned as soon as Hobi entered his room. "Don't baby me Yoongi what is going on? Why are you being mean to Taehyung?" Hoseok asked already aarunning out of patience.

"I don't know. He just irritates me ok." Yoongi replied shrugging his shoulders.

"What do you mean by that?" Hoseok asked not understanding Yoongi at all. Yoongi has always admired Taehyung and now that they are together Taehyung irritates him? How?

"Hosoek baby stop asking me questions I don't have answers for please and cuddle me can't you see I'm sad." Yoongi said pouting and Hobi looked at him shocked. Who the hell is this guy? Where is Yoongi?

"What's wrong with you? You're acting weird." Hoseok said frowning looking at Yoongi suspiciously. "won't you go to Taehyung?"

"No I won't, I really don't like Taehyung right now, when I see him I just get angry and he annoys me." Yoongi said sincerely that's how he felt, he also didn't understand how, but he felt that way irregardless.

"You're driving me crazy, you're not making any sense Yoongi!" Hoseok almost snapped ruffling his own hair frustaed. "I'm going to Tae stay here alone." Hosoek said and grasped the door handle to leave.

"Don't leave me alone please, Hoseok. Please cuddle me." Hoseok turned to look at Yoongi frustrated at the way Yoongi was acting but when he saw Yoongi pouting with a puppy face he couldn't help but chuckle.

"That won't work on me my love, especially after how you treated Taehyung." Hoseok said and opened the door and stepped out of Yoongi's room.

"Hoseok doesn't love me anymore." Yoongi complained hugging the pillow tightly like he needed comfort.


Later that day The members were concerned about Yoongi who has been in his room since and never came out. They understood why Taehyung was moody but Yoongi?

"Yha are you really gonna act like this? Taehyung has been crying all day long because of you." Jin complained tired of Yoongi's behavior.

"Leave me alone Hyung. I only want Hoseok. Tell him I miss him." Yoongi sulked in aegyo with a pout shocking Jin. Jin was too stunned to speak to a point where he left Yoongi's room immediately and went to tell Hoseok to go see his boyfriend.

"He's acting really weird." Jin spoke to himself, shaking his head in disbelieve, getting goosebumps all over his body.

"What is it now?" Hoseok's asked as soon as he entered Yoongi's room.

"I miss you please cuddle me." Yoongi pouted.. "No go talk to Taehyung first" Hoseok ordered and left Yoongi's room immediately, not wanting to hear his nagging no more.

Yoongi got out of bed and dragged his feet heading to Taehyung's room. He knocked but there was no response so he just went in.

"Taehyung." Yoongi called him out but the latter just kept quiet not even looking at him.

"Since they are forcing me to talk to you, I will. It's honestly a good thing that you broke up with me. I've been thinking about breaking up with you too these past days but I didn't have enough reason to. Thank you for freeing me." Yoongi said and attempted to leave but Taehyung's words stopped him.

"Are you really thanking me for breaking up with you? I didn't mean that I really want to break up, I said it out of anger." Taehyung said now alert looking at Yoongi with teary eyes, his heart beating very fast. Scared that Yoongi will leave him.

"It doesn't matter if you was serious or not. Let's break up, you annoy me, I don't like you. Why'd I date someone like that.?" Yoongi said not feeling guilty or sympathetic at all.

"What? what changed, you loved me few days ago. Now I annoy you.How can your feelings change so quickly." Taehyung asked tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I don't know too but I just know that I Don't want this anymore. Forgive me and heal soon." Yoongi replied and left Tae's room immediately.

Taehyung just hugged his Tata plush and weeped not believing any of this and most of all hurt by the way Yoongi acted like this was no big deal, like he never loved Taehyung one bit. "I hate him. I hate you Yoongi I really do." Taehyung mumbled crying like a little baby. "I will never forgive you never."


"Jungkooook I'm really not in the mood for this right now." Jimin complained as Jungkook was busy kissing his neck. They were watching a movie in Jungkook's room but Jungkook just couldn't keep his hands to himself and was too touchy.

"Why though, don't you miss being intimate with me?" Jungkook asked.

"I'm worried about Taehyung. How can we have sxx right now, when he's probably all alone in his room crying?" Jimin asked Jungkook who pouted. "But he'll be fine soon. I'm sure Yoongi Hyung will apologize soon and they'll all be happy like before, Hoseok Hyung is trying to mend things between them." Jungkook tried to reason but the frown and worry were still on Jimin's face.

"Still I'm not in the mood for this Kookie can't we just cuddle?" Jimin suggested not wanting to upset Jungkook. He knows how impatient and how Jungkook is fast to get upset over little things.

"Fine let's do that." Jungkook half heartedly agreed and Jimin smiled at him. Softly Pinching Jk's cheeks and pecked his lips to cheer him up.


"You spoke to him?" Hoseok asked after seeing Yoongi leaving Tae's room. "Yea we came to an understanding, he'll be fine. Now come cuddle me." Yoongi said like he didn't just break up with poor Taehyung.

Hoseok believed him, since he trusts him. They both went to Yoongi's room and got under the quilt snuggling onto each either. Stealing kisses every now and then.

Yoongi was so happy to finally be with Hoseok. He's been craving for his touch, his kisses, his affection hence Yoongi went to speak to Taehyung, so Hoseok can finally give him attention. Even though Yoongi didn't want to talk to Tae, Yoongi spoke to him so Hobi will stop nagging and cuddle him like he's doing now.

"I hope you haven't been stressing Much and our baby is growing well." Yoongi said rubbing Hobi's Tummy. "Of course I'm taking good care of myself, even when you and Taehyung stress me out." Hoseok mentioned sighing.

"It's all over now. So don't stress that's not good for the baby and you." Yoongi said kissing Hobi's forehead. "I'm so happy I have you Hoseok I love you very much." Yoongi said with a wide gummy smile. "I love you too Baby, you're spoiling me with affection since I became pregnant." Hobi exclaimed happily with a smile..

Heyy :)
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