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"Taehyung-ah can I come in?" Jimin asked knocking softly on Tae's door.

Tae quickly wiped his tears and faked a smile as he told Jimin to come in.

"Are you okay? You look like..." Taehyung just hugged Jimin and cried his eyes out on Jimin's shoulders, catching Jimin by surprise. "Sshhhh, don't cry Tae Tae I'm sure whatever it is can be fixed. I don't like to see you crying like this" Jimin patted Tae's back trying to calm his bestie down.

After few minutes passed Taehyung finally calmed down and both him and Jimin sat on the bed and Jimin rubbed the back of Tae's hand comforting him.

"What happened? Why is my Tae Tae crying like this?" Jimin asked him.

"I think Yoongi hyung doesn't love me anymore" Taehyung said sniffing. Looking gloomy.

"Why are you thinking that Tae Tae I'm sure he loves you. This must all be just a misunderstanding." Jimin spoke positively trying to understand the situation himself.They were all happy just a day ago, what could have went extremely wrong that Taehyung is even thinking this way?

"The way he looks at me like he want to murder me and the way he yelled at me earlier that's not how I know him." Taehyung further explained still sniffing.

"Give him some time. Maybe he's dealing with something he doesn't wanna talk about okay. I'm sure he'll come around soon." Jimin consoled his bestie.

"I hope so because I really like him, I never thought I'll like anyone more than the way I used to like you but I do with him and now he's changing on me and clinging only to Hoseok hyung.It hurts." Taehyung further explained hiccuping a little and Jimin felt sorry for his friend so he just hugged him and told him that everything will be okay.


Later at Dinner.

"Are you okay baby? Are you full? You must eat well from now on, you're eating for two remember?" Yoongi mentioned and smiled to Hoseok touching his invisible bump and Tae looked down and fondled with his fingers and the rest of the members  noticed the tension.

"I'm fine, I'm full, I'm healthy but I'm still shocked how you healed after hearing that we are expecting a baby." Hoseok smiled back at Yoongi both of them in their own little world.

"I'm surprised as well but what matters is we are all good you, me and our little baby." Yoongi exclaimed happily with a very huge gummy smile. Not noticing the hurt in Tae's face, he excluded his name in the we are all good and the members stopped eating not liking this one bit.

"Hoseok how does it feel like to be pregnant?" Jin asked trying to get rid of the awkwardness in the room.

Taehyung stood up picked up all plates and went to the kitchen to wash them. The members started talking about Hoseok's pregnancy but someone sneaked out and went to the kitchen to Taehyung.

"You good?" Yoongi asked as soon as he layed his eyes on Tae, who was washing dishes.

"I'm fine." Tae answered as a tiny smile creeped on his face but still not looking at Yoongi.

"Then why are you acting like a b*tch isolating yourself when everyone is seated there talking? It is not even your day to wash dishes, are you trying to cause a scene?" Yoongi asked and Taehyung's tiny smile dissappeared from his face and he let go of the dish he was washing, feeling like his heart is experiencing physical pain.

"What is your problem? Are you even my boyfriend? You've been nothing but a jerk to me since yesterday and I don't even know what I did to you to act this way. What wrong have I done to you? Why are you treating me like this, like you hate me?" Taehyung vented all that he kept inside as his tears freely streamed like a river down his face.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Get yourself together and stop acting like this." Yoongi said and headed out of the kitchen.

"IT'S OVER  BETWEEN US , I HATE YOU. YOU'RE A JERK MIN YOONGI!!!" Taehyung snapped catching everyone's attention. He then stormed out of the kitchen and ran to his room, locking it as soon as he entered.

"What is going on now?" Namjoon asked dumbfounded and the others just looked at each other also lost. They saw the tention earlier but they thought Yoongi is just too happy that Hoseok is pregnant but clearly it's more than that.

"And here I was thinking were all good. Did I miss something. Yoongi what's going on?" Hoseok asked Yoongi who was now sitting alone at the couch, his head hung low.

"Taehyung is just acting up, he'll come around."  was all Yoongi said shrugging his shoulders like it was no big deal how Taehyung just threw a tantrum, breaking up with him even worse.

"How dare you hyung? After making him cry and all that, that's all you've got to say? What has gotten into you wasn't you the one who wanted him for a long time, wasn't you the one who gave him hope in love after I hurt him? what is this now?" Jimin asked angry he hated all this. Yoongi was acting like a moron.

"Leave me alone I'm not in the mood for this.!" Yoongi snapped standing up heading to  his room.

"I don't neither my bestfriend needs me!" Jimin snapped as well as he stood up and headed to Tae's room.

Jungkook poked his inner cheek with his tongue not liking this one bit. Yes he trusted Jimin so he thought but what if they get too close and now that Taehyung is single, they get into a relationship like Tae always wanted, was what was running through his mind.

"Yoongi hyung must fix all this before it gets out of hand." Jungkook mumbled audible enough for everyone to hear him before he also went to Tae's room. He just couldn't let them be together alone, he's Tae's friend too and wants to be there for him, right?

"Is it because of me? Is Yoongi acting like this because I'm pregnant? He should continue to love us both equally. He loves him more than me what is this now?" Hoseok asked Namjoon and Jin, he was confused about what's going on.

Before they could even answer him, he stormed to Yoongi's room and they both looked at each other defeated, Sighing heavily.

"Hoseok baby" Yoongi mentioned as soon as Hobi entered his room. "Don't baby me Yoongi what is going on? Why are you being mean to Taehyung?" Hoseok asked running out of patience.

Your thoughts on the story?

Sorry for being absent for a long time.

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