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Later the hyungs came back to the dorm with Taehyung and as soon as they got home Taehyung just went to his room and layed on his bed staring at the ceiling not uttering any word to anyone, they tried talking to him but it was of no use, since they left the hospital he didn't utter any word to anyone, he was like a body just laying there no brain no soul whatsoever. The members couldn't bare to see him like this they all were sour and sad. The dorm that used to be all noisy and fun was now quiet like someone died. Hoseok kept on stealing glances at Yoongi who was Devasted more than everyone by all this, he's the one who received Taehyung's last message or words after all.

Yoongi stood up after sighing almost the whole day walking to the direction of Tae's room. While Jimin was in his room contemplating about whether to go see Taehyung or not and what to say to him.

"Babe where are you going?You haven't uttered a word to me since you came back!" Hoseok Exclaimed walking up to Yoongi.

"I'm going to check on Taehyung" Yoongi bluntly said walking away from Hoseok but Hoseok held his arm.

"Do you have to?" Hoseok asked his eyes getting gloosy tears threatening to come out.

"Yes I need to talk to him" Yoongi said yanking his hand from Jhope's grip then cupping his face. "I'm just going to check on him, I'll talk to him about that issue when you are ready and you'll be present when I do it" Yoongi assured patting Hoseok hair and Hoseok smiled.

"Go check on him then I hope he's good, I don't love him any less I'm just jealous." Hoseok said.

"You don't need to be you're special to me Hoseok" Yoongi said smiling before going to Tae's room.

"Taehyung how are you feeling?" Yoongi asked Taehyung who was staring at the ceiling like it is most interesting thing in the world as soon as he got to his room. "Tae please talk to me" Yoongi begged sitting on the edge of the bed looking at Tae.

"I'm stupid, what did I even want to kill myself for? It is okay to be rejected I'm not the first person to experience it and I shouldn't make you nor Jimin feel bad by the stunts I pulled lool I'm such an attention seeker, Just because I was rated the most handsome man in the world doesn't mean I'm better than Jungkook nor Hoseok you guys can be with who you like right. I should just get off my high heels and come down besides a handsome face is not all that matters maybe I'm boring maybe I'm just not likeable like Jungkook and Hoseok.What am I even blabbering about" He chuckled and sighed.

"Exactly what are blabbering about stop talking nonsense and comparing yourself to them you're you and you're unique in your won way, and you're just not good at handling pain but don't beat yourself up for it" Yoongi said trying to change how Taehyung was seeing himself as a coward and jerk right now he hated seeing and hearing him talk like this.

"Everyone has their own way of dealing with pain and that was your way of dealing with it" Yoongi continued speaking to Taehyung trying to comfort him the best way he can.

"How do I face everyone after everything I've done?" Taehyung asked as he was feeling embarrassed about what he did and he couldn't bring himself to face his members.

"Just don't hurt all alone talk to someone you trust and leave your room and bring back our old Taehyung we miss him. I'm sure everyone will be happy to see the old Taehyung back" Yoongi said brushing Taehyung's hair as he was now sitting next to him and Taehyung was slightly laying on his chest.

"It's not easy to just act like nothing happened after all I did and it is not like I'm still the old Taehyung, I can't be him anymore, I can just be a better matured version of him hope you guys will like him" Taehyung said sighing for the 100th time.


"Why haven't you went to see Taehyung since he came back babe?" Jungkook asked.

"It is breaking my heart to see him the way he is, I'm scared of talking to him I feel like I'll breakdown and make him feel like sh*t" Jimin said genuinely the state he saw Taehyung in really scared him he never expected to see his best friend like that ever.

"You'll never know how he is if you don't go see him, I'm sure he's waiting for you" Jungkook said trying to persuade his lover to go talk to his best friend after he made sure to keep Jimin away from Tae because of his insecurities.


1 months later.

"This is delicious reminds me of our high school days" Jimin said munching on dumplings.

"It really is remember when we fought for dumplings that day" Taehyung said also munching on his dumplings while laughing exposing his beautiful boxy smile.

"Don't remind me of that, it was just" Jimin laughed too cringing at the thought of the dumping situation. "I'm glad we talked and we are back to being besties Tae Tae" Jimin said as his smile dropped and he looked at Taehyung's face like he's searching for how he will feel about this.

"I'm glad we talked too and I'm happy that Jungkook is finally treating you right, well if he didn't I'd break his bones" Taehyung said chuckling.

"Don't break his bones he's the only one I've got" Jimin said giggling. "And what is going on between you, Hoseok hyung and Yoongi hyung? Y'all are suspicious" Jimin said raising his brow.

"It's complicated Chimmy I'll tell you when I'm sure of what's going on I'm also not sure" Tae said shrugging his shouldersas he was really not sure about his relationship with the hyungs as they never spoke about it.

Later Tae and Jimin went back home and Yoongi asked Tae and Hoseok to meet in his room as he wanted to talk to them about something serious.

Jungkook was in the gym room exercise so Jimin took some fruits and went to him but he found him laying on the floor wincing in pain.

"Jungkook!" Jimin shouted as he dropped the fruits he was holding "What happened oh my God Namjoon hyung Seokjin hyung help!" Jimin called for help and the two hyungs came running to the gym room.

Jimin was trying to help Jungkook up when Jungkook pushed him and he fell hard on his bum from the force Jungkook used. Jimin looked at him shocked not understanding what's happening as he was lifted himself up.

"What's wrong are you okay Jungkook? I'm trying to help you" Jimin said walking to him again to help him.

"Leave me alone Jimin I don't need your help!" Jungkook shouted as he trying to stubbornly stand up but fell back down.

"What is going on here?" Namjoon asked as he got in when Jungkook was shouting at Jimin who stood there shocked.

"What is wrong with you did I do something wrong?!" Jimin shouted after snapping out of his shocked moment.He just didn't understand why Jungkook was treating him like this when they were happy just last night.

Busy so I thought I should post something today.
Forgive me for not being consistent.

Hope you enjoy this.

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