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"Yoongi hates me." Taehyung said as he continued to sob on Jimin's shoulder.

"Tae Tae I'm sorry, I never thought Yoongi hyung will treat you so badly, he changed so much." Jimin said feeling sorry for his best friend.

"What did I ever do to him to deserve all this treatment? I can't remember offending him in any way." Taehyung asked, he honestly wasn't understanding Yoongi at all. What was his offence.

"We should leave from here Tae Tae, people can't see us here, let's go talk somewhere else okay?" Jimin said cautiously looking around.

"I already booked a hotel room over there let's go." Tae said and Jimin helped him with his luggage, they got to the hotel room and Tae broke down Jimin comforted him as much as he could.

Namjoon sent everyone a text postponing their today's schedule because of the situation they had at hand.

"Did he try to come after me, did he feel sorry when he saw that I left?" Jimin bit his lower lip hearing Tae ask those questions, he remembered how Yoongi didn't care and announced their break up like it was no big deal.

He shook his head, he didn't want to give Taehyung a false hope or lie to him.

"So it's really over, he hates me, I hate him too and I will never forgive him for this." Taehyung said anger and sadness visible on his face. He looked up to block the tears that were threatening to fall down his cheeks.

"I'm done crying for him, he doesn't deserve my tears." Tae said and Jimin just looked at him not knowing what to say.

The two spent the entire day together and when Tae had eaten and was finally asleep, Jimin left, he was hoping and praying that Taehyung won't wake up at night and cry again.


"You came back. " Jungkook said almost like a whisper as his bedroom door opened and Jimin walked in. Jungkook was sitting on the bed resting his back on the headboard.

"Yes Kookie, I feel so bad for Tae Tae but he's better now." Jimin said walking towards the bed and climbed on the bed and sat next to Jungkook.

"That's great news." Jungkook replied looking at the wall not facing Jimin at all. Jimin frowned but shrugged it off.

"I missed you Kookie." Jimin said and placed his hand on top Jungkook's but Jungkook snatched his hand away.

"I'm sure you did. Goodnight I'm tired." Jungkook said and got undercover facing to the other side, his back facing Jimin.

"Kookie are you mad at me.? I'm sorry." Jimin apologized as he didn't like this he just wanted peace.

"I called you all day but not once did you answer my calls and you spent all day with Taehyung not caring about your boyfriend at all.You forgot all about me." Jungkook said still not facing Jimin.

Jungkook at first called to find out if Jimin found Taehyung, if the latter was fine, but got no answer, then he called again and again to check if Jimin is fine still he got no answer. He gave it a rest and tried calling Jimin when it was getting dark outside and there was still no answer nor message from Jimin saying he's fine or anything at all.

Jungkook couldn't even eat dinner as his mind started to work overtime, he remembered how much Taehyung once loved Jimin and how feelings like those don't go away completely, he remembered how unworthy he is and doesn't deserve Jimin's love and his fear of losing Jimin took over his senses and Jimin was not helping the situation by being  quiet all day.

"I'm sorry Jungkook, my phone was on silent mode and I didn't hear it ringing but that's just an excuse, I could've called you, I was away all day after all..... I'm sorry please forgive me, please." Jimin pleaded snaking his arms on Jungkook's waist hugging him.

"It's okay I deserve it for all the pain I once put you through, I deserve it." Jungkook said his voice hardly audible as he was trying his best to not let Jimin know that he was crying but Jimin heard his voice and he knew the younger was not okay at all..

"Please look at me Kookie. " Jimin pleaded but Jungkook shook his head. Jimin then hovered over Jungkook causing Jungkook to lay on his back. Jimin's heart broke as soon as he saw those tears in his lovers eyes, he hated it when Jungkook cries.

"I'm just so scared, what if I lose you, what if you leave me for him, he's so handsome, I don't compare to him, his life is a mess right now..... and you... you're his shoulder to cry on... What... What if you fall for him and leave me." Jungkook spoke his heart out, call him childish, insecure he didn't care, he just never want to lose his Jimin ever.

"Kookie please don't say that, you are the most handsome person I've seen, the only person my heart sees, the owner of my heart, my everything, my breath, please let's forget the past and move on.. Shall we. I love you so much and only you. I'm yours and only yours." Jimin assured his lover since he understood where Jungkook came from and had to assure him of his love for him. That he's not leaving him for anyone.

"I'm sorry Jimin-shi.." Jungkook suddenly said with a sad chuckle as Jimin wiped his tears away.

"What for baby?" Jimin asked confused.

"For hurting you in the past, for always acting like I'm a loser, for being so insecure." Jungkook said finally looking at Jimin in the eyes.

"It's okay Kookie everyone gets vulnerable sometimes." Jimin said and leaned down and planted a long peck on Jungkook's lips. He smiled and was about to move away when Jungkook held his waist and pulled him back down their chests colliding, faces inches away, Jungkook pouted and Jimin pecked his lips again but Jk deepened the kiss that's what he wanted.


"F*cken leave from here you're a jerk." Hoseok spat at Yoongi who was kneeling down on the floor begging for Hoseok to not be angry at him.

"Please Hoseok you're the one I love, I had to set Taehyung free." Yoongi pleeded but Hoseok was not understanding Yoongi at all. He was not the Yoongi everyone knows.

"I wish I knew what's wrong with you so I can help you, this is not you." Hoseok said with a loud sigh sitting on his bed, he didn't know what to do with this whole situation nor he understood anything.

"Will you leave me?" Yoongi asked looking at Hoseok with puppy eyes. Hoseok looked at him, he was adorable to be honest but Yoongi never acts like this and now was not the time.

"I won't, I love you so much to do that, I'll just find a way to fix things but sleep in your room tonight." Hoseok said looking away wondering if Taehyung is fine wherever he is.

"Can you please hug me so I can go sleep in peace." Yoongi asked and Hobi looked at him with wide eyes. "Please."

"Fine. You're such a cry baby nowadays even my pregnancy mood swings don't compare to you." Hoseok said and Yoongi immediately stood up and went to engulf Hoseok in a bone crushing hug.

"I love you two so much, please don't leave me. It hurts so much to be away from you." Yoongi said and planted a wet kiss on Hobi's neck then forehead.

'I'm taking him to a doctor tomorrow, something is definitely wrong with him' Hoseok thought to himself as Yoongi left his room all smiles like a little kid who just got his favorite toy back.


Long time. Sorry about that.

Your thoughts on the story?

Will Yoongi, Hoseok and Taehyung ever be happy like before.?

What wrong with Yoongi?

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