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"I did you was joking right I mean you can never love me in a romantic way you never saw me like that" Jm said not even glancing at Jk even a bit.His eyes were getting gloosy with tears and he was trying hard not to cry.

Jk was lost for words. He poured out all his heart in that letter and this is all Jimin has to say. He meant every word and he is inlove with his hyung. His fear came to life the fear that Jimin will not believe him and there they were Jimin didn't take the letter serious because he didn't believe Jungkook how will he convince his hyung that he's serious about how he feel for his hyung.

"I wasn't joking I meant every word in that letter." Jk sighed before saying those words as he hoped Jimin will take him serious.

"Ha ha ha Jungkook please stop kidding I don't believe you!" Jm said still watching the television not glancing at Jungkook at all.

"Jiminah I love you. I'm in love with you I fell for you please believe me." Jungkook pleaded as he was close to tearing up. He desperately need Jimin to believe him.

"Stop please this is not fu-" Jk cupped Jm's face and connected their lips into a passionate kiss. Jimin froze for a moment before he gave in.

They kissed for a while, Tae was watching from a distance his heart breaking into pieces he went inside his room and cried while Hugging his pillow for comfort. 'how do I get rid of these feelings this hurts so bad' Tae thought to himself as he was crying.

Jimin soon pulled out. "If you really love me you have to prove yourself Jungkook you hurt me a lot and I'd be a fool to let you back in so easily" Jimin said looking at Jungkook he actually wanted to be with Jungkook so bad, accept his feelings and start dating him because he loves Jungkook a lot but after everything Jungkook put him through he was conflicted and insecure he didn't trust Jungkook at all.

"I will prove myself to you hyung I really love you and I'll make you see that I love you truly" Jungkook said smiling happy that Jimin is giving him a chance to prove himself. 'I will prove myself hyung I don't know how but I will for you I'll do anything' Jungkook thought as he started to think of ways to win Jimin's trust.

"Hyung are you hungry I can cook for you anything you want" Jungkook said smiling hoping Jimin agrees to be cooked for by the Maknae.

"I'm actually hungry but I can't think of anything to eat surprise me"Jimin said loving the attention Jungkook was giving him. He smiled but hid his smile from Jungkook.

"Great let me go make a meal for my favorite human being" Jungkook exclaimed happily Jumping up and down heading  to the kitchen to cook for his special hyung. He thought for a second and started to take out ingredients for the meal he wants to cook for Jimin.

'Jungkook loves me and he's willing to prove himself hmm can't wait to see how he does that'  "Jimin hyung"
Jimin was snapped out of his thoughts as Jungkook called for him.

"Yes Jungkook" Jimin answered looking at the kitchen direction.

"Thank you for giving me a chance to prove myself I promise you won't regret it" Jungkook said as he started cooking for his hyung singing happily.

30 minutes later Jungkook was done cooking he set the food on the table it was  Rice, stew, fried pork belly, Kimchi that Jungkook made for himself yesterday also a bowl of juicy noodles and steamed veggies not forgetting a can of pear juice and slightly cold water. After setting the table Jungkook was happy with what he made. He went to call Jimin.

"Hyung I'm done I hope you will like the food"

Jungkook said as Jimin stood up washed his hands and sat down at the dinner table full of nice food just for him "Wow you went all out Jungkook how can I eat all of this" Jimin said amazed that Jungkook cooked so much just for him. "You said you was hungry hyung" Jungkook said blushing slightly.

"Thank you Jungkook I'll enjoy it all but am I eating alone what about you and Taehyung? " Jimin asked.

"This is your treat hyung just eat and forget about us all" Jungkook said smiling his cheeks pink from blushing.

As soon as Jungkook finished talking the members entered the kitchen.

"I'm so hungry oh my God this is nice y'all cooked great" Jhope said as he settled next to Jimin and took a piece of pork belly and munched it the others took pieces too as Jin dished up rice and ate. Jungkook looked at them with gloosy eyes about to cry.

"This taste so good" Namjoon said as they all ate Jimin was looking at them shocked why didn't they eat where they were.

"Whatever" Jungkook mumbled as he left the room and went to the gym to punch the bag to take all the anger out.

"Y'all must have had a long day" Jimin said as he took a bowl of noodles, few pieces of pork belly, his can of pear juice and went to the couch to eat and watch tv he was also mad his food that Kookie cooked for him was eaten by the hyungs except Yoongi who took his tangerines from the fridge and joined Jimin in the couch.

'These taste so good they sure were cooked out of love" Jimin smiled to himself but not for long as Yoongi joined him.

"You look happy did something happen, you was frowning when they started eating your food" Yoongi said eating his tangerine.

"Jungkook cooked those for me but they ate it before I did" Jimin said his bottom lip poking out, eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"Atleast you have that (Noodles) I think Jungkook is really upset he went to the gym room" Yoongi said as they all know Jungkook exercises when he's mad sometimes he drinks but mostly exercises.

" I should go check on him" Jimin said standing up but Yoongi made him sit back down.

"Eat first he cooked for you" Yoongi said.

"Yea that's right I hope he'll be fine while I eat I'm starving and these are so good" Jimin said continuing to eat the scrumptious noodles.

Soon he was done eating and went to check on Jungkook at the gym room. He sighed before going inside.

"Are you okay" Jimin asked catching Jungkook's attention as he didn't hear Jimin walk in.

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