Part One: Meeting

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Harry's POV
After the war, all the seventh year students got a letter asking them to come back for another year. Harry wanted to go, because he didn't really want to stay with the Dursleys. Ron and Hermione are also going, though Hermione made Ron to come.

Harry was currently at station 9 3/4 waiting for Ron and Hermione. He watched as families said their goodbyes to their children. Finally spotting Ron and Hermione, Harry walked over to them.

"Harry!" Hermione said.

"Hi 'Mione, Hello Ron." Harry said.

"Hello, Mate" said Ron.

"The Dursleys weren't too hard on you, we're they?" Hermione asked.

"No..." Harry lied.

They are always hard on Harry making him do their chores, make breakfast, all that stuff. If he did one thing wrong they would yell at him for hours on end. Guessing Harry got lost in thoughts, because Hermione hit him.

" Ow! What was that for 'Mione?!" Harry asked her angrily.

"You weren't paying attention" Hermione said "I said I think we should go or the train will leave us."

"Okay, where's Ron?" Harry asked and she looked at him with a pity full look. She didn't reply, instead she grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him with her. They walked on the train and Hermione was looking in each compartment passing empty ones. Finally getting to a compartment, she opened the door. Sitting there was Ron.

"What was taking so long?" Ron asked.

"Sorry Ron, someone here" Hermione said has she flicked the back of Harry's head "got distracted."

Harry rolled his eyes as they sat down in the compartment, Hermione closing the door after her. Ron and Hermione were on one side and Harry was on the other side. The train started moving. 'Finally going back home!' Harry thought. They sat there talking about what they did over the summer, before Harry got distracted ... again. 'Would they still like me if I told them I was bi' He thought. 'I think I might tell them now.'

"Guys" Harry said.

"Wassup" Ron asked.

"I wanted to tell you guys that-"

Someone opened up the compartment door. They all looked to see who it was. There were three people, Ginny, Luna, and Neville.

"Can we sit here, there is no more space in any of the other compartments" Ginny asked.

"Sure I don't mind" Hermione said sweetly. As the three sat down Hermione asked Harry "What were you going to say Harry?"

"Nothing" I said.

Ginny sat on the other side other Harry, and Luna sat next to Harry, Neville sitting next to her. Harry didn't really want to tell Ginny, Luna or Neville that he was bi, so Harry will just have to wait. As they continued talking, the compartment door opened once more. Malfoy, Harry's crush since third year, Parkinson, and Zabini were standing there. 'Great!' Harry thought as he rolled his eyes.

"Malfoy" Harry said.

"Potter" Malfoy said.

"What do you want" Ron asked hatred in his voice.

"What, can't we be here Weasl?" Parkinson spat

"Just leave us alone, I don't want to hear it" Harry said.

"Way to ruin the fun, Potter" Malfoy said,

"Just go away" Harry said back, getting more and more angry.

"Whatever" Zabini said.

They left, leaving the compartment door open. Ginny groaned and closed the door. They talked some more, and Harry just stayed silent. Minutes later Harry fell asleep against the window.


Harry jumped up. Standing in front of him is Hermione.

"What!" Harry said.

"We are here" she said.

"Okay, and did you really have to yell in my ear" Harry asked rubbing his ear.

"Yes, because you wouldn't wake up" Hermione said "Now let's go before we are taken back to London."

Harry got up, and followed Hermione out. They walked up to Hogwarts and to the Great Hall.

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