Part Fourteen: Final Times

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Many people were rushing through the halls of Hogwarts. Only one more day at Hogwarts and we all have to go back to the Muggle world. Everyone wanted to find their before the train ride home. Harry turned the corner and bumped into someone. He fell to the ground and all his things went to the floor.

"Oh, I'm sorry," He heard someone say. It was a girl. He looked up and saw Luna.

"It's okay," Harry said. He got up and both Luna and Harry gathered his stuff.

"What are you going to do for the last day?" Luna asked.

"I don't know. Make last memories with my friends," Harry said.

"Do you come out to everyone yet?" Luna asked. Harry stopped and looked at Luna.

"What?" Harry asked.

"You and Draco. Did you two come out to everyone yet?" She asked again. Harry looked down.

"No," Harry mumbled. At least he doesn't think he did.

"How come you won't tell?" Luna asked.

"Because... I- I don't know," Harry said. Now that he thought about it, why wouldn't he. Tomorrow he's going back to the Dursley's so why not?

"I think you should tell them," Luna said. "I mean there is nothing to worry about, me and Ginny told everyone about us. Or at least we showed them we didn't have to say anything really." Harry smiled, got up with all his stuff in his hands and looked at Luna, who was also standing.

"I guess we can. I would have to ask Draco though," Harry said.

"Ask me what," someone asked from behind them. Harry jumped a little and looked behind him. "Hey, love," Draco said has he wrapped one of his arms around Harry's shoulder and kissed him. Harry smiled.

"Hi," Harry said. He really hopes that Draco forgot the question. He didn't want to say anything about it.

"So, I have a question," Draco said. Harry nodded and Draco continued. "Do you want to come home with me?" Harry shocked but then smiled.

"Yes! Yes, of course!" Harry said excitedly, he was so glad he didn't have to go back to the Dursley's. Draco smiled and kissed Harry.

"Okay, well I got to go, I was supposed to be helping Pansy find her brush. Can't find it," Draco said, kissed Harry, and walked off down the hall. Harry was off in his own world to realize anything going on around him. Ron and Hermione were trying to get Harry's attention but he wasn't listening. Ron walked in front of Harry and pushed him. He gasped and fell backwards. Hermione caught him and stood him back up.

"What the heck was that for?!" Harry asked.

"We were trying to talk to you but you were too off in your world to even notice us here!" Hermione exclaimed. Harry gave her a sheepish look.

"Sorry guys," Harry replied. Hermione rolled her eyes and sighed.

"It's okay. What were you so  distracted about anyway?" Hermione asked.

"Draco asked if I can go with him to his place," Harry said. Hermione gave him an 'awe' look and Ron had no reaction.

"Would you be coming over at least?" Ron asked. Harry nodded.

"Sounds fun, I'll be with Ginny," Luna said. The three of them jumped and looked at Luna. Harry completely forgot she was there. She giggled a little and then skipped off down the hall. They looked at each other and smiled before laughing.

"I forgot she was there," Hermione said between laughter. They finally calmed down and talked.

"I'm going to miss this place," Harry said.

"Same," Ron said. Hermione just nodded. They started talking about all the adventures and fun times that they had at Hogwarts and when it got to lunch, the three of them skipped and went straight to the courtyard. The sat and talked.

"I wasn't expecting many people to be here, I thought they would all go to lunch," Hermione said.

"I thought so too," Harry said.

"Well, it is our last time here before we go and start a life," Ron said, without thinking. Harry and Hermione started laughing and Ron looked at them confused. "What?"

"Harry killed the most evil man and you said we haven't started a life," Hermione said. To be honest, Harry was a little surprised Hermione wasn't mad he said that. Ron got what she said and laughed a little. Harry smiled at the two. Suddenly, someone put their arm around Harry and he jumped a little. Ron and Hermione didn't even know what was going on as they were laughing a lot. Harry turned around and realized there was nothing to worry about, it was just Draco.

"Hey love," Draco said. "Why weren't you at lunch?"

"Me, Ron and Hermione wanted to hang out before we leave Hogwarts," Harry said.

"Oh? You got everything packed?" Draco asked.

"Yea," Harry replied. Draco smiled at Harry then kissed him. Harry was shocked. Draco kissed Harry in front of many people. Harry can hear people gasping around the two. Draco pulled back and smirked. Harry blushed a little and looked away to see many people for different houses watching and smirking making Harry flustered. He covered his face and sat there. The doors flung open and Pansy was running to Draco.

"Draco!!" Pansy yelled. "I found it!" She said excitedly. Harry was confused. "I found my brush!" She said smiling and everyone started laughing. Now she was the one confused. Blaise walking out and rolled his eyes. Hermione walked over and put her arm over Pansy's shoulder and led her back in, explaining what happened. Draco looked back at Harry and they smiled at each other. There were "awe"'s heard from everyone around as the two kissed again.

*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*The end •*•*•*•*•*•*•
Hello, sorry if this was really late, but I hope you enjoyed! I will create more stories in the future. For those of you that like BTS and other k-pop, I will be writing some of that too. Anyway, thank you for reading this story. Bye!

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