Part Five: New Friendship

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It's been a day now sense the duel and the word spread. No one new what really happened, everyone just nows that it did. People wanted to know all of what happened that night, so they asked Harry, except the Slytherins. They asked Malfoy. Where ever Harry was, people would ask what happened.

"I'm not telling" Harry said kind of angrily. He has been asked quite a few times today, and it's getting annoying.

" Why not?" the Hufflepuff asked.

"Because, now can I go now?" Harry pleaded.

"Fine!" The Hufflepuff stormed away. They stood there in silence.

"Help next time, please!" Harry exclaimed. And Ron and Hermione nodded.

The three walked off to the Great Hall. They sat in their usual spots next to Neville, Seamus, and Dean.Except for today, Ginny was hear too.

"Oh dear, Harry. I heard what happened, are you okay?" Ginny asked, concerned.

Harry rolled his eyes "Yes, I'm fine Gin." Ginny acted like a mom sometimes. Whenever something bad happened, for weeks she would ask if you are okay. It didn't bother anyone. It kinda confuses people though. She has a kind heart, but she will hurt anyone who hurt her family or friends.

After they all ate, they headed off to their classes(Not explaining what they did, because I don't know how). Once they were all back in the common room, Hermione started her homework. Ron and Harry were talking about their classes, some classes they wanted to avoid (potions), some classes they liked. Hermione was done with her homework quite fast.

"Done already 'Mione?" Ron asked, confused.

"Yep!" Hermione said happily.

"How!?" Ron asked.

"It was easy" Hermione exclaimed.

"Easy for you to say" Ron mumbled.

"Ron, she is Hermione. She gets homework done fast" Harry said. Hermione and Ron started laughing, at one point Harry did too.

"He has a point" Hermione said.

"I just know-" Harry started, before getting interrupted.

"Potter, Weasley, Granger" the Harry turned to see who it was. Malfoy, excepted he wasn't in front of the two, Parkinson was, and Zabini. Harry was guessing Parkinson said their names.

"What?" Harry asked, no rudely but clam.

"We have something to say" Parkinson said, and Malfoy rolled his eyes.

"Okay..." Harry was confused.

"Sorry about the duel, Potter" Malfoy said, Harry was shocked. Though he kinda sounded like he was forced to apologize.

"It's fine" Harry said.

"Great, can we leave now?" Malfoy asked.

"No" Zabini said, and Malfoy rolled his eyes again.

"We want to end this rivalry, and try again" Parkinson said, and she had a smile on her face.

"Umm... Sure" Harry said. He looked behind him, and Hermione looked happy, Ron just looked clam. He looked back. Parkinson was smiling wide. Same with Zabini. Malfoy looked like he was dead.

"Well, it is good to not have a rivalry between us, Parkin-" Hermione said, almost saying Parkinson before she was cut off.

"Call me Pansy" Pansy said.

"Blaise" Blaise said.

Malfoy was silent.

"Okay then, Hermione" Hermione points to herself "Ron" points and Ron "and Harry" she points at Harry.

They all, except Malfoy, was smiling at either other not knowing what to do. Malfoy just looked back and forth between them, before rolling his eyes and walking off. Pansy and Blaise broke the eye contact between each other. Thought Harry had a pretty good idea that Pansy and Hermione was staring lovingly at one another, the same thing happening between Blaise and Ron. Harry smirked at this thought. Ron and Hermione saw that, and they just stared at Harry.

"So uh, Ron, liking Blaise there?" Harry asked. Ron looked like a tomato and tried to cover it the best he could. Hermione started smirking at that now too.

"Let's not forget about Pansy, 'Mione" Harry said, and within seconds Hermione was doin the same as Ron.

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