Part Three: Fight

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Harry got in his pajamas, brushed his teeth and got in bed. He took off his glasses and closed his eyes and relaxed. Though Harry felt like he was being watched, but that feeling went away when someone knocked on the door. Malfoy got up to answer the door. Harry heard the door open.

"Hey Draco" Parkinson said.

"Hello" Malfoy said.

Harry looked up to see if there was more people. He had to squint his eyes to see. Yep, there was Zabini, too. 'Great, just great' Harry thought as he laid his head back down. Apparently, they didn't see that because Parkinson asked "I wonder if he is sleeping?"

"I don't know now like I watch his every move!" Malfoy said.

"I know that, but how is it being roommates with the Harry Potter?" Zabini asked.

"I don't know he talked less than I thought he would" Malfoy said.

"Okay but are you going to let us in, I don't really want to stand out here" Zabini said.

Harry could hear footsteps, so he was guessing Malfoy move out of the way. They were talking and playing game, making it hard for Harry to fall asleep. Suddenly Parkinson yelled "YES I WON!!" Harry jumped up, now sitting on his bed. He turned grabbed his glasses and looked at them, they were staring at him now. Harry opened his mouth to say something rude, but remembered he promised Ron and Hermione he wouldn't start a fight. He closed his mouth, then finally he said "Can you please be quiet? You can still talk but please be quiet" Harry said trying not to have the hatred come out. The three of them looked at Harry in surprise. Harry laid back down, and closed his eyes, forgetting about his glasses.

"Potter?" Harry heard Parkinson ask.

Harry flipped over to face them.

"What" Harry asked as polite as possible.

"Why aren't you yelling at us, you usually would have?" Parkinson asked.

Harry relaxed a bit, "Because I promised Ron and Hermione I wouldn't cause problems."

"You guys don't have to be nice back" Harry said struggling to have a nicer voice.

They looked at each other Parkinson was about to answer before Malfoy spoke over her.

"Okay, whatever, you can sleep now."

Parkinson and Zabini looked at Malfoy and then back at Harry, said nothing and looked back. Harry rolled his eyes 'Of course' Harry thought. He flipped back over, took off his glasses and closed his eyes. Surprisingly, the three were quite, so Harry was able to fall asleep.

~~Next Day~~

Harry woke up to someone moving around. He put his glasses on, sat up and looked at the time. 5:43. 'Who in the world wakes up at five!' Harry thought. Seconds later Malfoy came out of the bathroom. His hair was wet and dripping with water. He had a towel around his waist. Malfoy and Harry locked eyes before Harry blushed furiously. He covered his face hoping Malfoy didn't see him blush.

"Put clothes on before you walk out of the bathroom!" Harry said.

Malfoy turned around and walked back in the bathroom, seconds later he came back out fully clothed wearing the school uniform.

"Well sorry, maybe you shouldn't wake up at this time like I do" Malfoy said.

"You were the one that woke me up!" Harry snapped raising his voice a little.

"Then plug your ears" Malfoy said, now yelling.

"Why don't you put a muffling charm around the bathroom" Harry yelled.

Or maybe I should silence you so I can get ready in peace!" Malfoy said as he pulled out his wand. Harry also pulled out his wand and Malfoy started firing spells at Harry. Harry blocked them as much as possible, but still got cut on his stomach. Malfoy broke the window and glass went flying everywhere cutting both boys. The door bursted open and four people entered, both yelling at the same time.


They both stopped to look who was there. Ron, Hermione, Parkinson, and Zabini. Harry felt to little headed to get a good look at them.

"Harry?" Hermione asked, Ron and Hermione running to Harry.

They saw the cut on Harry's stomach and gasped.

"Get Madam Pomfrey!" Hermione said, and Harry heard someone running.

"What happened?" Parkinson asked, and Harry was surprised Parkinson cared.

She walked over to Harry, Ron and Hermione, looking over their heads and seconds later gasped.

"Draco, why did-"

"Out of the way!" Madam Pomfrey said.

People moved and Madam Pomfrey was already helping Harry. He was on his back and she pulled out her wand a put a healing charm on him. I healed up, but there was still a scar from where it cut.

"It should be gone in a few days" Madam Pomfrey said.

Harry sat up and fixed his glasses. He looked around and saw the place was a mess, Pomfrey left same with everyone else, except Ron, Hermione, Parkinson, Malfoy and Zabini. Harry got up and waved his wand, and the place was back to normal.

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