Part Eight: Pansmione, Blairon and Deamus

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Harry and Draco were sitting it the common room when the portal door opened.

"HARRY JAMES POTTER!" Hermione yelled, and Harry and Draco jumped.

"What?" Harry asked.

"What?!? You told them!" She yelled.

"Hermione calm down, please!" Pansy said. Hermione looked at her.

"Fine!" Hermione said "Your lucky Pansy was here!"

Harry rolled his eyes. Ron looked a little flustered.

"Well what's the news?" Harry said, smirking.

"I think you very well know!" Ron said.

"No, no, I don't know" Harry said.

Ron and Hermione blushed, while Pansy and Blaise grinned.

"Well, Hermione and I are together" Pansy said

"Me and Ron and together as well, thanks for telling us though" Blaise said.

"No problem," Harry said.

"Yea, thanks," Pansy said, smiling at Harry before turning to the others. "Well what are we going to do today?"

"I don't know, maybe we can get Ginny and Luna then go out to the Black Lake?" Draco asked.

"Fine by me," Ron said.

"Great, let's go get them," Pansy said, running out the door, and came to a sudden stop. "Where would they be though? This school is big that it will make it difficult to find them."

"We can split up," Hermione suggested.

"Yea okay, Hermione and me will go to the Great Hall, then check the Black Lake," Pansy said "Blaise and Ron can check the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw towers. Harry and Draco can check anywhere else you think they might be. When we are done checking go meet at the Black Lake."

They all agreed and left to go looking for them. Harry and Draco were walking in silence. They didn't really know what to say to each other. Like they kissed a couple minutes ago, so they didn't really know what to say other then 'Sorry, I don't know what was going through my head', and then talk to each other again like nothing happened. Suddenly Draco stopped and turned to Harry, stopping him too.

"Okay we have to get over it, I mean we can't just ignore it ever happened and not talk. Their going to find out if we keep avoiding one another!" Draco said.

"Yea, I guess your right. What do you want to do then?" Harry asked.

"For now, we have to look for Ginny and Luna. Where do you want to look first?" Draco asked.

"I don't know, maybe the kitchen," Harry replied.

Draco turned back around, and they both started walking towards the kitchen. When they got to the painting and Harry reached up and tickled the pear. The painting revealed the kitchen and many elves working. Dobby appeared in front of them.

"Hello Harry Potter," Dobby said.

"Hey Dobby," Harry replied.

"Is there anything Dobby can do for Harry Potter?" Dobby asked.

"Yea, um... have you seen Ginny and Luna anywhere?" Draco asked.

"No, sir, Dobby has not," Dobby said.

"Do you know where we might be able to find them?" Harry asked.

"Maybe Hagrid's," Dobby suggested.

"Okay thanks Dobby," Harry said.

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