Part Thirteen: Christmas Time

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Harry woke up in the most "amazing" way.

"WAKE UP, WAKE UP!!" Harry heard someone yell. His eyes fluttered open to find Ron jumping on the jump. He then heard a groan and turned to his left. Draco. Harry grinned knowing that Ron was going to regret it.

"Weasel, you better stop that right now...or else!" Draco said, glaring at Ron. Harry's grin widened.

"Or else what, gonna make me cry?" Ron said. Draco's glare turned into a glare that can kill. He got up suddenly, starling Ron, and was about to grab him. Ron was already out the door before Draco grabbed him though.

"Ah, we're playing this game then," Draco grinned, got up and chased Ron out the door. Harry wanted to know what was going to happen so he followed the two. He was a little pissed Ron chosen that way to wake him up, but he also didn't want Draco to hurt him. Harry hoped no one was in the room the two were heading to, but at the same time, he hoped there was going to be someone there. He doesn't was to spilt up a fight by himself. Once they got to the room, Harry was surprised. Only Sirius was there. His were on the two of them. Harry rolled his eyes and looked at the time. 7almost 8. No wonder everyone isn't down here. Harry turned back to the other two who were yell and Draco looked like he was about to punch Ron. Sirius walked up to Harry and stood next to him.

"What happened," He whispered.

"Ron jumped on the bed to wake up us up, Draco threatened, and Ron challenged," Harry said, looking at Sirius then back. Sirius chuckled. Suddenly, Draco jumped at Ron but missed once Ron moved. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Great, now I have to deal with them," Harry said.

"You don't have to, someone else can," Sirius said.

"Yea, who?" Harry asked, looking at Sirius. He just shrugged. Harry sighed. He walked over to Draco and Ron and grabbed Draco. "Draco..." Harry said. Draco glared at Ron before looking at Harry. He smiled and put his arm around Harry's shoulder. Ron sighed in relief.

"Thanks mate, you really saved my life," Ron said, panting.

"He warned you," Harry said.

"Oh, right, well he didn't get to me," Ron said.

"No, he didn't, and I can wonder why," Harry said, a little annoyed. Hermione and Pansy came down the stairs and looked at them.

"What happened? We heard yelling," Pansy asked. Their room is the closest, so they probably got woken up...unless Ron didn't wake them up before.

"Ron jumped on the bed to wake me and Harry up, I warned him that he needed to stop or else. He didn't listen, so I chase him down here and we were yelling at each other. I jumped at him a couple times before Harry stopped me," Draco said, mumbling the last bit. Pansy and Hermione laughed.

"He must hate you guys the most, because he didn't wake us up," Hermione said. Harry and Draco looked at Ron and he just smiled shyly. Harry rolled his eyes and Draco glared at him. They looked back at the two. Sirius sat back down on his chair. Ron sat on the couch along with Pansy and Hermione, and Draco and Harry took the last chair. A single chair. Harry was going to sit on the floor, before Draco pulled him up and had him sit on his lap. Harry blushed and hid his face in Draco's chest. Once Harry relaxed, he looked back to the others and Sirius was watching him with a smirk. Harry blushed slightly. Finally, everyone was awake and came down stairs.

"Breakfast, who's making it. I know I'm not," Remus said. No one said anything.

"I can," Harry sighed, but seeing the smile on Remus's face made him smile too. He got up and went to the kitchen. "What does everyone want?" Harry asked.

"WAFFLES!!" Sirius said. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Of course," Harry mumbled. Harry started making waffles, because no one said anything else. In the middle of making the waffles, someone came in and put their arms around Harry's waist. Startled, Harry turned and faced Draco.

"Hi, you okay?" Harry asked.

"Yea, I'm fine. I just wanted to get away from all the noise," Draco said. Harry chuckled and then turned around to continue making waffles. Draco stayed where he was and watched Harry.

"Going to watch me the whole time?" Harry asked.

"Maybe," Draco said and Harry rolled his eyes. Once he was done making what seemed like enough for everyone, he called everyone from the kitchen telling them waffles were ready. They all came in and took a seat at the dining table.

"Well today is Christmas, we have presents to open," Molly said after everyone was done with breakfast. They agreed and went to the living room. Presents were passed around the room and wrapping paper all over the floor, people were laughing and having a good time. Harry didn't say much, he liked to observe and just watch. Draco noticed and thought something was wrong.

"Hey, what happened?" Draco asked. Harry looked at him.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just watching," Harry said. Draco looked at Harry in the eyes like he didn't trust him. Harry chuckled. "Really, I'm fine." Draco eyes him for the last time before going back to what he was doing.

"This year has gone by fast hasn't it?" Ron asked, Ron was sitting beside Harry and he didn't even realize it.

"Yea, it has," Harry said, he sounded like he was concentrating on something important but he wasn't. Harry turned and faced him and they had a long conversation. The day went on with a lot of talking and celebrating and the day went by fast that it was almost midnight. Harry was shocked.

"Even the day went by fast," Harry heard a voice next to him. He jumped and turned around and looked at Ron. Ron started laughing and Harry rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Okay I think we best get to bed before it is midnight," Sirius said. Everyone whines, except the adults, and goes upstairs to their rooms. The two got ready for bed and then cuddled under the sheets.

"Today went fast," Draco said.

"That's what Ron said," Harry replied and looked at Draco. They talked for a while longer before going to bed. "Love you, good night," Harry said going falling asleep without realizing. Draco chuckled.

"Good night, love you too," he said.

Hello, sorry this chapter is a little rushed but I hope I can make up for that in the next chapter. I know it is no long Christmas but Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!

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