Part Two: Dorms

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The four tables were still there, but no one was sitting at the tables according to their house. Harry and Hermione found Ron and sat with him. He was also sitting with Ginny, Neville, Luna, Seamus, and Dean. Harry, once again stayed silent, while the others talked. Soon enough Professor McGonagall came in with the first years. She sorter them, and then started her speech.

"Welcome to Hogwarts first years, and welcome back the rest of you. I don't have much to say only that the Forbidden Forest is off limits. Now enjoy your feast."

Food appeared on the tables and kids started piling it on their plates. Harry grabbed some food and put it on his plate, Ron, on the other hand, was stuffing chick in his mouth. 'Like always' Harry thought. After the feast all the food disappeared, and Professor McGonagall stood up.

"Seventh years and under can go, eighth year please stay" She said.

The eighth years gave each other concussed looks.

"You may be wondering why we asked you to stay," Professor McGonagall started and they all nodded their heads "Well, we only have dorms for the seventh years so we don't have a dorm for eighth years. That being said you guys will be sharing a dorm. House and House. So the Slytherins are with Gryffindors and Hufflepuff with Ravenclaw. You guys will be sharing a common room so here is who you are staying with..." Professor McGonagall started off with names and said "Mr. Weasley and Mr. Zabini, Miss Granger and Miss Parkinson, and finally Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter."

"What! You can't do that Professor!" Harry said.

"Yeah, they would kill each other before we even start tomorrow!" Seamus said.

"Well I made up my mind so they can and will" Professor McGonagall said.

Harry and Malfoy shot each other a glare.

"Off to bed, now." Professor McGonagall said.

Harry, Ron and Hermione got up and started walking to the dorms.

"I can't believe with got paired with the Slytherins!" Ron said, clearly annoyed "You got the worse, though Mate."

"Yea, so I heard" Harry said.

"It is probably to stop the rivalry between the Houses" Hermione suggested.

"Maybe" Ron said "Just please, Harry, don't fight with each other in the middle of the night, make that never."

"I'll try" Harry said.

They got to the common room, the three of them still walking to together. They walked down the hall to find their's. They first found Hermione's.

"Good night 'Mione" Harry said.

"Night 'Mione" Ron said.

"Good night boys, Harry, Don't cause trouble." She said to the two of us.

"I'll trying not to, we already went over this." Harry said, slightly annoyed.

"Just making sure, good night" Hermione said and closed the door.

The two boys continued walking and talking until they reached Ron's room.

"Night Mate" Ron said.

"Night Ron" Harry replied.

Ron close the door as well, leaving Harry to find his room. He found his and Malfoy's room, yet Harry didn't really want to go in. His hand was hovering over the door knob. He took a deep breath, and opened the door. It had two beds, one on each side of the room. One of the beds had a green and silver sheets and the other one had red and gold sheets. A nightstand next to each bed. Two closets on each side and one bathroom. Harry's stuff was already there. He headed towards his bed and he flopped down. Sighing and closing his eyes, he listened to the sounds around him. It was what calmed him. The door opened causing Harry to open his eyes, and looked at Malfoy. He promised his friends he wouldn't have any problems with Malfoy so he said nothing.

"Hope your okay with me having my friends coming over here in a second" Malfoy said.

"It would be the middle of the-" Harry started.

"Didn't ask" Malfoy spat.

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