chapter 4: I will end you

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"M—Mr. Martinez," Lisa called, as he walked toward her, grabbing her roughly by the arm.

"I—I can explain," she said, as she struggled to get out of his grip.

"Save it. I do not need any explanation from you. I have had enough of you and your stories. This would be the last straw, no more. " He raged, shoving her roughly into his office.

"Please, I had a good reason this time." Her voice was shaky, and her eyes pricked.

Martinez yelled angrily, "Shut it!"

He shoved her deeper into his office, causing her to land on her buttocks.

A whimper escaped her lips, as a tear fell onto the floor.

"How could you?"

Chloe hissed as she ran to her friend's aid.

"How dare you push her like that? Have you no decency for a lady?"

"Get out, Chloe. This does not concern you. "Mr. Martinez growled, a dark frown on his face.

"When it comes to my friend, it does, and you treating her like that, clearly pertains to me," Chloe explained, with a determined look on her face.

"Do you have a death wish, Chloe?" Mr Martinez's gaze was hostile.

"Are you threatening me, Martinez? Of all the people, you chose to threaten me? Have you forgotten about me so quickly?"

Chloe asked, lowering her head a little, as she cast a menacing gaze at him.

Martinez clenched his fists beside him, as he turned sour.

The only thing he wanted right now, was to kill the little brat in front of him.

Chloe was the real owner of the restaurant. Her father was wealthy, and he had handed the company over to this brat of a daughter to oversee it.

She was here to monitor him, nothing else but that. It was because of this brat here, that he could not spend as he used to.

His face contorted in disgust, as he gazed hatefully at the two women before him.

Lisa stared at the two in front of her, as her brows wrinkled in confusion at Chloe's words.

Her eyes glazed with unshed tears, as she stared at her friend's back.

The tension and hate that radiated from both of them, filled the room, and almost choked her.

"T—this still does not concern you, Chloe. You have no right whatsoever to tell me what to do, and how to do it. Especially not  with my employees. " He seethed through gritted teeth.

"Your employees?" Chloe remarked, astonished.

"They are your employees now? Since when?" She asked, with a sardonic smirk playing on her lips.

"Since I am in charge." He glared at Chloe, banging his fists on the table.

"Oh?" She chuckled darkly. Her gaze was mockingly set on him.

"What's so funny?"

He demanded, slamming his fists on the table, louder this time, which frightened Lisa a little.

"You." She mused as she held her stomach and giggled.

"You are a clown, you know that?" She scowled at him.

"That's it!" Martinez shouted as he reached to grab Chloe and drag her out.

"I have had enough of you, and your obnoxious behaviour. I will not tolerate any further insults from you."

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