chapter 40

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We have finally reached chapter 40!! 🎉


With every foot Lisa raised, she felt herself getting closer to them.

The more she got closer, the more she felt like the steps were getting longer.

It made her nervous; her heart was slightly pounding in her ribcage, and it felt like she was going for a trial.

Lisa felt herself dawdle, making the smile she saw on Marcos' father's face go smug.

"I see you really take your time in doing things." His loud, authoritative voice sounded exactly like Marcos.

Hearing his voice, she found where Marcos got his demeanour and his height.

"It's why I am perfect." Marcos narcissist side was released.

Lisa felt herself facepalm in her mind.

While she imagined herself doing it in her mind, she really saw someone actually facepalming himself in the face.
It made her smile.

The person was a teenager, barely one, though.

To see that he didn't even care about how things were run in this place surprised her.

As an outsider, she already knew what was going on, and it was shocking.

She saw that no one needed to add to what they had told her.

When Marcos made that comment, she watched them all and never missed them as they rolled their eyes.

Somehow, she saw the plain, undisguised hatred in their eyes.

It made her scalp tingle.

How could a family be like this?
Lisa knew, Marcus saw it, even his father, but they did not address it.

What nonsense is this?

"Welcome home, son." The old man greeted them when they took the last step.

"Don't call me that, sir; I am not your son." Marcos coldly said.

His words were strong enough to break fragile hearts without mercy, but this person standing in front of them wasn't someone with a fragile heart.

The old man chuckled and said, "No matter how you deny it, you can't erase my blood from your veins."

With a sharp look, she said, "If those humans could come up with a way scientifically, then I promise you I will be the first to sign up for it." Marcos ruthlessly replied. "Even if it kills me."

"It's good to know how much you value the blood relationship we both have." The old man's thick face could not be underestimated. "It touches my heart."

Sarcastic, Marcos cut in dully. "You have a heart?"

"Very funny," the old man laughed. "You got me."

"Cut to the chase, old man," Marcos said impatiently. "My mate and I haven't been welcomed yet, and you are already planning a fight with me. Where is your shame?"

"You..." A voice was about to interject.

"Shut your mouth!" The old man growled beastly without turning his head.

The way he spoke, it was like he knew this person was going to cut in.

"Old man!" Marcos called, his hands openly wrapped around his mate.

He knew the old man's growl would bring problems when he felt Lisa tense up.

Growling had been their danger area when they decided to mend their relationship.

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