Chapter 45 The calm before the storm

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I liked, it's triple update!! Don't know when I will be able to post on wattpad as my phone keeps giving me problems. Thanks for always being there you all!

It's been weeks since Marcos had brought Damien out of the old royal palace. He forbade to call that place his home!

Possibly affected by the optimistic shift of environment, with the company of his mate Lisa, and also a mystery which stumped Marcos so much that he had a headache, was how his unruly brother got along so well with Lisa.

It's been weeks but neither Lisa nor Damien made mention of what was said in the old castle.

The thirteen-year-old, almost like a goliath, under Lisa's company, began acting his age for once.

With a bounce to his steps, "Do you feel like something is wrong lately?" He asked, walking into Lisa's room.

She was presently on the bed, reading a book. Due to the mend in the relationship between her and Marcos, she could finally stay in a spot without being supervised by a sea of maids.

Asking with a frown and peeking up from the book she was holding to look at the giant teenager, "How do you mean?"

"You haven't detected it?" He inquired in suspicion, making it clearer when he saw her perplexity. "I mean with my older brother. He's been edgy lately and I also witnessed that there are more guards around the palace and us, mostly the secret guards."

"Secret guards?" Lisa whispered in shock, registering those two words in her brain.

"You don't know?" Damian virtually yelled in stupefaction. Marcos didn't tell her about the secret guards.

Now, he was even more dazed.

At the old royal palace, although the place brought him unwelcome memories there were still kind people in there and his old nanny had told him about fated mates or pairs.

His brother and Lisa were mates, so why were they not speaking or telling each other anything?

The main reason he came here with the question today was to get information from his sister-in-law to satisfy his burning curiosity.

He was a teenager! He was in the period of exploration and it was typical for him to be like this okay?!

If anyone had a teenager at home he/she could click better to him.

He shrieked his thoughts in his mind and for less than eight seconds, his face stayed emotionless. However, he opened his mouth. "There are secret guards who watch our every movement and protect us."

Lisa whined in the complaint, "Why?" Her mouth curved, and the book in her hand filled with pleats. "What protection do you need when you are already a werewolf? Is there anything that can get past you guys?" Lisa added, her heart almost skipping a beat.

Seeing her dumbfounded face, Damien solemnly replied. "Sometimes." He sighed.
In his sister-in-law's heart, werewolves were almighty.

"There are spells from witches, trolls, even fairies which get past a werewolf's nose, not to mention the elves. Those long-eared goblins are vermin!" Damien cursed. "Some exceptional spells were carefully created by those creatures in alliance with the witches and then left disclosed to the other magic-wielding supernaturals during the last war decades ago just to wipe off all werewolves but fortunately, those magic have been rendered as forbidden magic after the end of the war."

"Wait, war?!"

"Yes," Damien verified, recalling from his memory. "Although werewolves appear to have won and seem in control, it's nothing but a farce! Secretly, those supernaturals still despise werewolves. The war was very fierce but that's decades now."

"Do you know what caused the war?" Lisa tilted her head curiously.

If what Damien said were all true and with how powerful every supernatural being was, it would be extremely weird if humans weren't affected.

A clash between two werewolves and she could already imagine how much disaster it caused. She could only imagine what the war would look like.

What baffled her was how oblivious humans were or how none of these was written in any history book.

In the outside world, werewolves, vampires, elves, fairies, and whatever were only ever chanced to be written in children's story books or fantasy books.

Could it be that they were written but were erased by time? Or was this deliberately done by humans most importantly the government?

An unsolved case this was!

Bringing her out of her mind was Damien's slightly deep voice. "I have no idea what really caused the war but I was only told vaguely what caused it."

"Come on, say it!" She nudged, "Say it quickly."

Embarrassed by her eagerness, he scratched his head with a blush on his face. "I am not sure, but my nanny told me that what likely caused the war back then was because the other supernaturals felt that the werewolves were too powerful!" He boasted at the end, puffing out his chest.

Astounded, "That's it?" Lisa mumbled, in slight disgust. "They started a bloody war because they were jealous?!"

"I said likely, it wasn't pure jealousy! There is more but unfortunately, I do not have more knowledge about this. The last hint my nanny told me was that the spark of the war was a romance between two supernaturals. A werewolf and an elf."

"A werewolf and an elf?" Lisa thought. "It could be what sparked the hatred of the elves."

"It could be," Damien said in agreement with her. "It's still stupid though. How countless people died due to a misunderstanding between three people."

Looking at him, Lisa repeated his last words. "Three people?"

"Yes, three people. It was a stupid love triangle between a werewolf, an elf, and a fairy!" Damien said angrily. "Initially, the other supernaturals were already resentful with the werewolves due to how much attention we were given by the moon goddess but it wasn't our fault! Every supernatural being was created by their god/goddess but the gods and goddesses all made an agreement, a bet in particular and they all lost, only the moon goddess won."

"I have no idea what the bet was all about but the winner was allowed to have his/their creation more powerful than the rest. An agreement they all nodded to but who knew those gods/ goddesses could still burn in jealousy like mortals. I don't know which god, in particular, broke the agreement and secretly stuffed one of their creations with a tool to compete with the moon goddess. Hence, the birth of the special spell, the beginning of hate, and the brewing of war."

Feeling like he had said a lot, he walked to the side table beside the mattress, taking
a gulp of water placed on the table for Lisa.

"Wow!" Lisa exclaimed, astonished. "Those three people, how did they end up?"

"No idea." Damien subsisted. "Maybe you can ask my brother, he might know more than me. I am only thirteen in the end and during the time all these happened I wasn't even dreaming of being formed in my mother's womb."

He laughed, thinking of something only he found hilarious. "I'm leaving." He waved without waiting for a response from her.

He didn't get anything from her, instead, he talked so much that his lips and tongue were dry.

The door blasted shut,  leaving her alone in the room.

With complicated eyes, Lisa observed him sprint out of the room like oil had been applied to the soles of his feet.

"There is more to this than it meets the eye," Lisa muttered to herself in worry. "I simply hope there will be no war."

A silent prayer had she prayed but unfortunately for her existed figures plotting in the dark, around and beyond her who brought countless bloodshed.

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