The Darkness That Falls

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Heyooo, I'm back from break because now that is summer, I bet less hate and that means more motivation hopefully¡¡¡

Tw: mentioned S@m, mentioned past transphobia

3rd person---

It felt so good to be able to fly. The wind blowing through your hair and the feeling of freedom washing over you. Grian felt so happy.

It wasn't uncommon for hybrids on the server so no one really questioned it. Ren is a dog hybrid, Doc a creeper, Mumbo....a potato...? You get the point, no one was really bothered by a new hybrid especially when Xisuma explained how Grian got the wings to everyone. Grian was glad X had explained for him, he didn't know if he could tell the lie to the others.

It was hard lying to your friends, but he had too.

If they knew...

They would hate him.

If not for being transgender like he did, then definitely for being a watcher.

Grian flew over boatem like he does most the time. It was just a normal day.

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The fly was quiet other than the sound of wind in his ears and the wing beats e sentiment he flaps his wings.

It was almost calming.

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Grian continued to fly, farther from boatem.

Where he was going, he didn't know that himself.

It was like it was calling him.

He watched as the white clouds flew past him. Slowly fading to a light purple...then darker...

He couldn't see anything but purple.

He fly faster trying to escape the purple clouds around him.

Brian felt his wings give out and suddenly fell.

He screamed for help from anyone but knew it would not help in any way at all.

His vision slowly faded from purple to pitch black.

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Really sorry this is short and took a while..I understand if you're mad and stuff but I promise I am trying..

Hope you enjoyed anyway


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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