a. e. s.

327 7 0

Steve placed the tape initialed with 'A.E.S.' in the VCR, soon letting it play. The TV flashed to life, the girl immediately speaking.

"Hello, Tony. No, I'm not going to call you dad because by now you've already learned I'm really not your daughter. It probably doesn't even bother you either. It's not like you ever cared for me, I've been around long enough to know what neglect is. You're neglectful and unstable. You'd randomly lash out at me when you were drunk, tired, frustrated. It was always my fault, even when I was just trying to check up on you." She looked bored as she spoke, inspecting her nails.

"She's such a goddamn liar. I told her everyday how much I loved her. I even showed her off at my parties-"

"The only time I was ever useful to you was when you needed something. A coffee, paperwork, Pepper, someone from the team. You used me at parties, to gain attention from others. I never liked going to any of your parties. I was constantly shown off by your intoxicated ass." She spoke, a rough edge appearing at the end.

Everyone was silent, the female on the screen smiling.

"I liked it better when you improvised the stories we had. If you adore me, why do you ignore me?" She questioned, furrowing her eyebrows.

"I don't-" Tony tried to speak.

"I liked it better when you sent me sorry when I was sad. Stop saying, 'It's my bad'."

"It's my bad..." Tony let off, shocked by the fact she knew him so well without ever actually having a conversation that lasted longer than a minute.

"You're acting like a deadbeat dad. I know, you know, you're better than that, but I can't respond when you react." She gave a pointed look.

"Mind explaining, Stark?" Steve questioned, Tony rolling his eyes.

"You know how I get when I'm mad. If you don't yell back at me you don't get a word in edgewise." He said nonchalantly. Steve growled in frustration.

"I'm tired of your dumb boy talk, of getting 'close'. You say you won't, you do. Then, you act as though you don't. You're not a ghost, I'm not afraid of you." Everyone looked confused at this statement. "I started letting go. You let me know that you were just confused."

"Oh god..." Tony mumbled, rubbing his face.

"What, Tony?" Pepper asked.

"I.. I got super drunk one night, and she went to help me to the elevator to get me to my room. I lashed out and ended up hitting her in the face with my glass. There was blood, lots of it. But when I woke up I was in my room, painkillers on my nightstand with water. I thought it was all just a dream, but..." Tony explained, face written with guilt. "I just assumed Pepper put everything on my nightstand."

Why would I give you painkillers when you had just fucked a girl on our bed less than an hour prior than that? 

"And I still think that you're rude. You made me remember that: GGDGU. Good girls don't get used."  Scarlet rolled her eyes at the phrase. "Gotta show me, if you wanna know me. Maybe you would know by now that I'm the greatest thing you have lost."

She's the greatest thing I could've had. Tony thought, the prickling sensation of tears forming in his eyes. 

He had finally realized all the shit he put her through. How he was never there for her, ever. He didn't care that she could be thousands of years old, all he had known her of was his daughter. The one he neglected, failed. Hurt. I'm sorry, Scarlet...

"You said you're sorry, actually, you're sorry?" She asked curiously, Tony's eyes widening. He hadn't said it out loud, though... "Did you want a ribbon? 'Cause I'm gonna need to hear a whole hell of a lot more than that."

"You're always forgetting everything you did. I know, you know, you're better than that, but I can't respond when you react!" She raised her voice, hands outstretched to her sides in an exasperated motion. "One thing you need to remember is that: GGDGU. Good girls don't get used."

"I'm so fucking dumb." Tony spat, head in his hands.

"Who's that boy in your story?" The girl's voice rang again, putting her phone up to the screen and showing a post from Tony with Peter captioned: Gotta love this kid, smartest of them all, love hanging out with him. "Hard to believe you even cared at all. I wanna hang out, but you're too busy hunting down a booty call. I hate it, how you ignored me. For, like, a weekend then pretend nothing happened."

"Is that so?" Loki's voice came in a sly tone, earning glares from everyone.

"I've asked her, and supposedly a girl that's 'just your friend' is naked in our bed." Pepper spoke up, sending a nasty glare at Tony who shrunk back under her gaze.

"You say you won't, but then you do. You said you won't, but then you do! You said you wouldn't, but then you did it..." She said, eyes turning a light teal as frustrated tears started forming in her eyes but not falling. Soon the TV went black, fading out.

"Well, we know how much of a shit father you were." Pietro shrugged.

"Not helping." Everyone spoke in union.

"Okay, okay, calm down." Pietro said, raising his hands in defeat. He walked over to the box picking up the next VHS tape. "The next one is..."

(Explanation: she is Tony's 'daughter', in reality she shifted into a young child, and was adopted by him. Over time he stopped being what a father should be: loving, caring, supportful, helpful. He started getting drunk, lashing out, and started using her. With her being immortal, she knew how to deal with these situations. Every-time she knew he was intoxicated enough, she helped him up to his room and placed painkillers with water on the side of his nightstand. One fateful night, he was a bit more angered than usual, and turned violent while she was trying to help him. He ended up hitting her over the head with a bottle, now leaving a scar on her right temple, hidden by her hair. Tony also treats Peter more like his kid than he does his 'daughter'. It took thirteen days for the scar to heal...)

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