p. d. m.

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"P. D. M." Thor stated, placing the tape in and sitting again, the TV coming to life soon after.

"Pietro, the most annoying person in the tower. To me at least." She said, a fake smile plastered on her face. "Wanna know the truth, Pietro?"

"Not really-"

"Good!" She clapped, losing the act and staring at the screen. "If I could go back to the day we met I probably would've stayed in bed. You run your mouth all over town and this one goes out to the sound of breaking glass on Tony's Range Rover. Pay me back, or bitch it's over!"

"That was you?!" Tony yelled, Pietro nodding.

"Did you actually think it was her?" Pietro asked, failing to hide his amusement, earning glares from everyone.

"What did she mean by, 'it's over'?" Wanda questioned her brother, earning a sigh from him.

"We had been going out for sometime, but nothing stayed good." Pietro answered simply. "Like I told you-"

"All the presents I would send, then you fucked my friends behind my shoulder." She said bluntly. "Next time imma stay asleep. I pray to the lord my soul to keep."

"Excuse me?" Wanda said, looking at Pietro with a mix of rage, betrayal, and hurt. "You told me she was the one who cheated!"

"Are you really going to believe her over me?!" Pietro said.

"Yes! Because I know you!" Wanda shouted, eyes flashing red causing Vision to come over and calm her. She took a deep breath before tears welled in her eyes. "All the things I did to her... I did to her because you convinced me she hurt you that terribly."

"And you've got me thinkin' lately: bitch you crazy! And nothing's ever good enough, I wrote a little song for you. It goes like," She said, smirking before continuing. "Do, re, me, fa, so-"

"That's not even a son-"

"Fucking done with you dude. So fucking done with all the games you play, I ain't no tic-tac-toe. You sent the X's and O's on another note. I'm so do, re, me , fa, so fuckin' done with you. So, send those X's and O's on that other note, I'm ghost." She said, making a peace out symbol before disappearing.

"So there's two cheaters now." Rhodey snarled, Pietro rolling his eyes.

"So what?" Pietro pushed.

"So what? SO WHAT?!" Peter yelled, shooting a web and forcing Pietro to the wall. "Unlike myself, you don't have any feeling of regret for what you've done! Do you even realize what hell she has gone through?! NO! YOU DON'T!"

"Wanda!" Pietro cried, expecting his sister to help him out.

"No, Pietro. You used me to your advantage. Not only do I deserve an apology, but so does she. From you, and I. But we all went and fucked that up." She spoke venomously. Pietro looked down, avoiding everyone's glares.

"If I could go back to the day we met I probably woulda just stayed in bed. You woke up everyday, and made me feel incompetent. Designer shoes and Xanax tabs compliment your fanny pack. You never had to buy yourself a drink, cause everyone would just feel you up." She said, popping up once more on the screen, wearing a disgusted face. "You got me thinking lately, bitch you crazy. And nothing's ever good enough, so I wrote a little song for you. It go: do, re, me, fa, so fuckin' done with you dude. So fuckin' done with all the games you'd play, I ain't no tic-tac-toe. Send the X's and O's on another note, I'm ghost."

This time, the screen actually clicked off. While everyone sat in silence, Wanda did help her brother out of the webbing, but not before she slapped him. Walking back, she placed the next tape in, labeled...

(Explanation: Pietro and her had dated, but only lasted a few months once she recognized the signs of getting used. Again. Also when she found him having sex with a rando on her bed. She ended it that very night, but not without some type of unneeded/undeserved punishment. That being Wanda forcing violent visions in her head. Plus Pietro constantly shoving her, tripping her, or just making fun of her. She's planned to leave in four days...)

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