n. a. r.

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"N. A. R. Natasha, it seems to be your turn." Vision said, placing the VHS tape in and sitting down.

"Hello, Natasha. We both know that there's a lot of tension between us, and I'd say I wish we could've talked it out, but your actions proved to both of us you don't think rationally." She spoke sharply, causing Natasha to cuss.

"Fucking hell..."

"What, Nat?" Steve questioned.

"I always tried to act nice around her, but it was just something about her that... Irked me," she explained. "Sometimes I would snap."

"What is that supposed-"

"You talk so sweet, but only to my face. Soon as I turn around you're reaching for a blade to put in my back. Say I need to relax, you didn't mean it like that. 'Not even bleeding that bad.'" She said, with air quotes.

"Nat, did you stab her?" Clint asked in an exaggerated tone.

"I.. I didn't mean to. We were sparring with daggers and I was so focused that I didn't hear her say she was done. I turned around and stabbed her." Natasha explained, tone even but complemented with the slightest shake.

"Please tell me you at least helped her..." Tony said.

"Of course I did! I'm not that cold-hearted." Natasha answered.

"Tested my patience. Now you broke it, there's only so much I can take..." Scarlet let off, taking in a deep inhale and exhale, looking back up with darkened eyes. Natasha visibly cringed, the rest surprised at her reaction and how angry the woman looked.

"You're so two-faced! What a fucking disgrace, Karma knows you by name! You're so toxic, straight obnoxious! 'Cute, but psycho.', that's your motto, but I know you're just a mean girl. You were always just a mean girl. You make me wanna hurl." She seethed, venom dripping through her words. Natasha's eyes were wide at the hate filled words thrown at her, although she knew she deserved them. She was one of the worst with her. Constantly making jeering comments towards her, unintentionally hurting her.

"Nat... What did you do to her...?" Steve asked in shock.

"I constantly tested her patients with meaningless conversation, unintentionally hurting her, I only ever helped her with her injuries when they were serious." Natasha explained, eyes flashing in sadness and regret.

"She's right. You are two-faced." Tony spat.

"It's not like you were any better, Stark." Natasha fired back, the team sharing awkward tension while the two just glared at each other.

"Must be exhausted from running your mouth, always. Since we stopped talking I'm all you talk about. Wait for me to set a trend, then you jump on it too. And I can't keep up with all these versions of yourself, this shit reminds me of the room... If you're the Avengers, this is for you." Scarlet said, sighing before continuing. "You're all two-faced! Such a fucking disgrace, Karma knows you by name! You're all toxic, straight obnoxious! Y'all make me wanna hurl." 

The girl spoke, shifting into a girl with white hair, very pale skin, and black eyes causing Natasha's eyes to light up in recognition. She still didn't recognize the girl though, other than knowing she had seen her before. She was left with questions as the TV faded black. The room was silent once again, all eyes widened in shock. The widest of them all were Natasha's.

The room...? The Red Room? Is that what she means? Was she there before? Questions were racing through her head, and she couldn't even get an answer from the source, as she was dead.

"Moving on..." Natasha spoke, forcing her mask back on and walking up to the next tape labeled...

(Explanation: once she had left Clint, she had gotten taken to the Red Rooms, who were also working with Hydra at this time. The only name she went by whilst there was Flicker. It was there that she saw Natasha, they never talked to one another, but something told the girl to remember and analyze everything Natasha did. She was thankful she did when she saw her again when she joined the Avengers. However, Natasha always insulted her. Why you may ask? Because she knew her from somewhere, and couldn't figure out from where. Natasha resorted to taunting, although it never worked. It got exceptionally bad when they had sparred, and one ended up with a stab wound. Natasha was impressed with how little she reacted, even when cleaning it- Natasha pushed down unnecessarily hard. That's when Natasha knew something was up. Natasha started making the comments more rude. Mocking. Harsh. Scarlet knew Natasha was catching on, so she had finalized she was going to change identities in eight days.)

13 Tapes of Hell (Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now