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Katherine groans as she heard her grandpa yelling by the front of their house, she gets up to get ready for school

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Katherine groans as she heard her grandpa yelling by the front of their house, she gets up to get ready for school.

"Shit." She said as she notice the time on her clock and picks up her backpack after she came out of the bathroom all change. She runs down the stairs getting an apple from the kitchen counter, as she gets out of the house Katherine kiss her grandpa on the cheek.

"See ya later grandpa!" Katherine said and his grandpa waved at her still looking angry with the Addams neighbors. She blocks the doors to the school bus so it won't leave without her. "Thank you." She said to the driver who looked annoyed.

Katherine takes a seat glaring at a boy who was on her usual seat luckily the boy saw her and moves quickly from there. As she takes a seat she didn't notice a pair of dark eyes look at her with interest and Katherine turns around feeling the stare like something was piercing her soul and saw that it was the Addams boy, Wednesday.

She hasn't been here long so she doesn't really know much of him or the family except the times her grandpa would rant about them and curse at Mr. Addams for always throwing something at the house either breaking the window or getting hit by it. Katherine moved in with her grandpa from her mother's side after her parents abandoned her on her grandpa's doorstep, Katherine's mother always had a struggle with drugs after they lost dad in a car accident. The family was never the same when he died, her mother got so addicted to the drugs that she forgets to take care of her only living daughter and at some point her mom had enough of taking care of her and dealing with drugs that she decided to pick one thing.

She choose drugs over her daughter, but Katherine saw it coming which is why it didn't hurt when it happened.

"Can I help you?" She asked and didn't get a respond back as he brought a blank black book up to his face which had hidden his smirk from her. "Okay." Katherine said and takes a black sketch book starting her next inspiration which was a cat skeleton starting with the head.


Wednesday knew who this girl was, she was the neighbor's granddaughter who moved in a couple of weeks ago. At first he didn't care at all until now, he saw something that made shiver and he didn't if it was a good thing or a bad thing. It made him almost smile seeing the boy run off scared from his seat as the girl takes his place but inside he smirks putting up his book when he was caught staring.

'I wonder.' He thought as he tried to remember the name of the girl. That's when he saw her drawing a skeleton cat making him remember now. 'Katherine, Kat for short. She has a small reputation either good or bad, she likes to hang on her own, only has one friend which had the opposite personality of hers. As for the bad side she likes to get in detention, write on the school walls with paint or graffiti in secret until it wasn't when a student rated her out.

That student was never seen again.


The day went by quick for Katherine and was now on her way back home when she saw the Addams boy by the school pool throwing something on the water making her curious. Katherine makes her way to him and looks down at the water not noticing that the boy was looking at her in surprise.

"It would have been better if they had people in it, makes things more...bloody." She said and faced him with a small smirk making the said boy shiver either from good to bad she didn't know. As Katherine actually got a good look at him same age as her, short black hair and black eyes deep emotionless but had that spark of mischief and madness which she likes that on a boy.

Katherine knew they were weird but because her grandpa always says that they were freaks and creepy always playing with death specially the kids.

"Katherine." She said and was surprised when he takes her hand and kiss the back of it with a smirk, she surpassed a shiver and feeling hot from just his smirk. "Wednesday." He said his voice sounding smooth and chilling.

Wednesday swallowed thickly but feels please with himself seeing the effect he had on her, even made him eager to see what kind of expressions she could do made by him. Wednesday made up his mind right there and then, as he steps back away from her.

"Would you like to come over at my house? I'm having some guests, I have a feeling we're going to call our dead uncle Fester to ask him some questions." He said and Katherine looks at him with a smile.

"You mean you and your family are going conjure a dead person?" She asked as they walked away from the pool seeing the team coming out of their lockers getting ready to practice.

"We are." He said and Katherine nods. "I'll go." She said.

"But I will try my best to go since my grandpa hates you and your family." Katherine said, Wednesday nods.

"More reasons for you to come." He said making her smile and head to the bus. Katherine asks some questions from time to time and Wednesday gladly answering them for her. It was strange for him to feel Ike this, usually when someone asks too many questions he'll rather stab them then giving them answers but with her it's different.

'I should really tell this to my father.' He thought as his dad basically goes on his knees in the ground his mother walks in.


Katherine stood in the middle of her room looking between two outfits to wear for some death awakening, only to shrug picking which ever. She frowns seeing that it was raining outside pretty hard, she takes out an umbrella putting on her hoodie.

She looks at the time and smiles

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She looks at the time and smiles.

"And good night grandpa." She said as she heard him snoring loudly and opens her window to her balcony and carefully jumps down making her way to the Addams mansion.

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