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Katherine brushed her hair in front of the bathroom mirror as she finished her bath, she puts on the nightgown and bathrobe and walks through the hall passing by a room that was open

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Katherine brushed her hair in front of the bathroom mirror as she finished her bath, she puts on the nightgown and bathrobe and walks through the hall passing by a room that was open. Katherine pause as she saw that thing was watching tv of feet making her cough to gain his attention which it worked, thing quickly turns off the tv tapping really fast.

"Don't." Katherine said raising her hand up and he stops. "Want to know, have you seen Wednesday?" She asked and he taps his desk and she nods.


"Death! Death to the enemies of the people of the Republic." Wednesday said as he reads a scroll and closed it looking at Pugsley with a nod. Pugsley cuts the watermelon in half with a small laugh.

"Hoorah! Justice is served." Wednesday said with a smirk watching the baby with an evil look on his eyes. "Bring forward the evil one." He said and Pugsley goes to get their brother while he cleans up the guillotine.

"You have betrayed the people of France. You are evil incarnate, how do you plead?" Wednesday asked as he stood in front of his baby brother and Pugsley answered for him. "Guilty."

"Guilty by her own admission. The sentence is death." He gives Pugsley a nod letting him put their baby brother on the guillotine. "One... two... thre-."

"Children, what are you doing?" They heard their mother asked and they quickly answer. "Playing." They both said, Wednesday let's the rope go and watch it all play out only for his eyes to widen a little when his brother grabs the sharp object with his hand.

"That's shocking." They turn to see Katherine looking wide eyed at the baby. "Is that normal?" She asked and Wednesday shrugs.

"Probably." He said and makes his way to her holding her waist. "Let's go, Pugsley you make sure that you get our brother to bed." The couple walk away with a grin making their way to Wednesday room.

____ [Next morning]

"Have I told you how amazing you were last night." Katherine said with a smile as they both lay in bed their clothes on the ground some of the pillows were rip letting feathers out. "You were like a beast a desperate one, I could feel you all over me." She said and runs her finger on his chest, he chuckles kissing her hand.

"It almost scared me... do it again." Katherine said with a smirk. "Sounds like a plan, darling." He said and kiss her bare shoulder but they both rolled their eyes hearing the bell scream knowing that someone has arrived.

"Maybe next time." He said and Katherine nods, they both pick up their clothes and change quickly. "I wonder who it is at this morning." She said and they make their way down stairs to see a blond lady with baggy clothes looking at happy.

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