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"He was found in Miami, tangled in a tuna net

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"He was found in Miami, tangled in a tuna net. It was just last month during the Hurricane Helga." Dr. Pinder-Schloss said explaining to the family of how she found Fester, Katherine was by the couch looking at her with narrowed eyes ever since they took a seat on the living room and Wednesday was beside her on the chair holding his hands together in front of him.

"The sky, it was black like pitch. The waves, they were walls of doom. Can you imagine?" Dr. Pinder-Schloss said and Katherine looks at Fester who looked stiff being around them by the fire place. "They drag him from the ocean, from the very jaws of oblivion."

"There were tests, so many tests. A complete psychological profile." She said pointing to her head with her fingers.

"At long last, the Florida Department of the Fish and the Game, they say lo and behold, oh, my, oh, my, oh, my... go tell it on the mountains, he is your brother." Dr. Pinder-Schloss said looking at Mr. Addams who hides his tearful face on Morticia's shoulder.

"Boom!" The German lady said bringing their attention back to her. 

"They give him to meet Human Services and I am bringing him, after all these years, after who knows what heartache, after the naked and the dead, I am bringing him home to you." Dr. Pinder-Schloss said with a smile.

"That's preposterous." The lady guest said making Katherine nod but didn't say because one she was a guest and not a family which this is a family matter. "Isn't that the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard?"

"It certainly is." Mr. Addams said as he stands up from the couch walking to his brother. "Now you're back."

"Back to share your joys, your sorrows-- Hey, everything." The husband's lady said making Wednesday look at him with narrowed eyes. "I just don't know." His wife said.

"How does this work, again?" Her husband asked showing her the finger trap making Wednesday shake his head as the wife gets her fingers trapped again.

"Fester Addams... home at long last." Morticia said with a smile and Fester nod's looking uncertain. "Well, at least for a week." He said making Katherine confused.

"A week? But you just got here reunited with your lost family." Katherine said finally speaking making Wednesday nod looking at his uncle. "She's right, this is your home now." He said making Fester gulp seeing them both look at him like they were searching for something in his eyes or soul.

"Sorry, but I have to get back. Got a lot of things cooking in the Bermuda Triangle." Fester said making Morticia look at her husband looking happy what she heard those last words.

"Oh, Gomez. The Bermuda Triangle." Morticia said leaning against the couch and Mr. Addams grins at her. "The Devil's island." He makes his way back to her holding her hands.

"The black hole of Calcutta." Morticia said with a smile. "Excuse us. Second honeymoon." Mr. Addams said and Katherine looks at Wednesday in shock.

"You can actually get out? How?" She asked making Wednesday take her hand. "I heard that no ship or boat can come out, that's just impossible." Katherine said.

"Not for the Addams, nothing is impossible for us." He said and suddenly smirks bringing her hand to kiss it. "I do hear that Howland is perfect for a honeymoon."

Katherine blushed at his words both of them were snapped out of their bubble when Dr. Pinder-Schloss stands up ready to leave.

"Nobody gets out of the Bermuda Triangle, not even for a vacation." Wednesday said looking at the Miss Pinder. "Specially for sensitive humans like you."

"Oh, my dear boy. So much you don't understand. The human spirit, it is a hard thing to kill even us sensitive ones." Dr. Pinder-Schloss said with a smile making Wednesday glare at her. "Even with a chainsaw." His grandmama said.


Wednesday walks Katherine back to her home with an umbrella saying that it would raise his chances of getting hit by lightning.

"It was interested seeing all that but." Katherine said as she stops to look at her balcony ready to climb up. "Your uncle and that lady look to suspicious to me, I mean if I was trying to contact my dad from the dead and he appeared I would like to think he will be a lot more happy to see me and hug me like your dad did."

"Believe me, darling I too have the same feeling as you." Wednesday said as he looks back at his home. "Like I said back there, nobody can get out of the triangle except if you were an Addams and last time I heard my uncle died in some accident or so I heard." He said and she nods.

"See you tomorrow." Katherine said and takes off, Wednesday watch her go and he was sure of himself that he didn't check her out as she climb.


Katherine change into her sleeping clothes and brings the blanket close to her, she smiles when she heard the loud screams from Fester and closed her eyes thinking of Wednesday and his dark eyes piercing her.


Wednesday leans against the headboard of his bed looking at the sketch he was giving by Katherine, he opens it and his heard beats seeing a rib cage skeleton decorated in black roses and on the inside it was a heart.

He chuckles as he heard his uncle screaming and it sounded music to his ears. As he closed his eyes he was met with Katherine's sharp green eyes that pierced his heart and soul.

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