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Katherine walks to the grave with a present for Morticia and the baby

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Katherine walks to the grave with a present for Morticia and the baby. She's been having a hard time in what to get them for months even though Mortica said that it was totally fine, Katherine had a small weakness for newborns and she doesn't know why.

"Hi, my love." Katherine said with a smirk passing by him, grandmama and his brother burying something. "Hello, darling. What do you have there?" He asked as he stands up with a shovel.

"Finally, I was able to find the perfect gift for the baby and it arrived today." She said showing the black and white wrap.

Thing comes running to them pulling their pants making the couple look at him.

"What is it thing?" Wednesday asked and he nods looking at his girlfriend. "Looks like my mother's water broke, it's time." He said and Katherine grins clapping her hands together being careful with the gift.

"Let's go! An Addams family will be here soon." She said and they all went to the hospital quickly.


"And then mommy kissed daddy and the angel told the stork." A little girl tells Pugsley while the couple specially Wednesday look at the girl like she was stupid. "And the stork flew down from heaven and left a diamond under a leaf in the cabbage patch and the diamond turn into a baby."

"Our parents are having a baby, too." Pugsley said with a smile and Wednesday smirks leaning forward. "They had sex." He said and watched as the little girl confused and looks at her uncle who had went to get some coffee.

"What is sex?" The little girl asked and Katherine laughs as the uncle takes the girl away from them and the Addams family laugh along with her. "I have a feeling is going to be a boy." She said after they stop laughing looking at Wednesday and Pugsley.

"It's a girl, remember our bet darling." Wednesday said while Pugsley had agreed with Katherine. It didn't take long for Gomez to come in the room looking happy.

"What is it? Tell me father." Wednesday said standing up from his chair keeping in mind if the bet. They agree of whoever won the gender of the baby they will decide what their next torture will be on their Friday nights.

"It's an Addams!" Gomez said and Katherine looked confused for a moment but cheers when Wednesday had curse under his breath meaning that he lost his bet.

"Could we see them?" Katherine asked and Gomez nods. "Of course! Let's go everyone."

Katherine gives Morticia the gift making said woman confused.

"It's the gift for the baby, hope he will like it." She said and Morticia opens it with a big smile showing it to everyone. "My first guillotine the newest addition." Morticia smiles letting out a single tear.

"Very educational my dear, I got this one for Wednesday and it brought some enjoyable memories." Morticia said and Gomez chuckles patting Wednesday. "The horror." He said and frowns as the baby had cried and cried for the past 30 minutes even though he was fed, changed and etc.

"Could I?" Katherine asked and the parents nodded with a smile watching as she carefully picked up the baby and starts to sing a lullaby.

"Suffer, suffer, scream in pain." She starts making Wednesday raise an eyebrow at her lullaby. "Blood is spilling from your brain."

"I didn't know you were making a lullaby for the baby." Pugsley said watching his baby brother stop crying watching Katherine.

"I had some free time, had my grandpa freaked out when I started singing it." She said with a laugh smiling at the baby who was giggling at her lullaby. "Zombies gnaw you like a plum. Piercing cries and you succumb."

"Suffer, suffer, scream in pain you will never breath again." The parents clap with a smile as Katherine finished her little song.

"Bravo! He looks like death took him for good." Gomez said as he grabs his son from Katherine who hands him the baby. "Amazing sleeping skills, Katherine."

"Thank you." Katherine said with a smile as she stood beside Wednesday.


"That's not true." Pugsley denied as he and Wednesday cut the railings while Katherine watched them do it. 

"Everyone knows it is." Wednesday said and Katherine looks at them with an eyebrow raised. "So you are telling me that when a baby is born one of you guys has to go as in kill." Katherine said and Wednesday nods.

"That's right darling." Wednesday said with a smirk after he heard his brother let out a nervous chuckle. "But they kill the oldest right?" Pugsley asked and Wednesday chuckles.

"Let's see, they only need two boys in the family. One who has accomplished more kills, a girlfriend, and someone that has passed all their classes." Wednesday said and Pugsley stops his actions looking even more scared. 

"Don't believe him Pugsley, I'm sure that's not going to happen and if it does I'll help you with Wednesday." Katherine said jokingly as she kissed Wednesday on the lips. "I'm a good distraction." She whispers and Wednesday kiss her back.

"Not a lie on that sentence." He said as he walks her out of the house. "What is that you wanted to tell me? Something about your grandpa." Wednesday asked.

"I found out yesterday that I'll be send to a camp, he wants me to spend some time with normal people." Katherine said air quoting the word normal. "Normal is so overrated, nothing fun and life risking if I hang out with normal person." She said.

"I'll make sure to leave some space in our bed when you sneak off tonight." Wednesday said giving her a kiss. "Maybe we can come up with a plane to get you out of that camp." He said and the couple laugh when they heard grandmama scream from the kitchen.

"Who did this? It ruined my potion!" They heard her shout and they look at each other.

"Rats?" She asked and he nods. "Rats, like you said darling."


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