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Katherine makes her way again to the Addams mansion waving at Lurch who's watering some dead plants

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Katherine makes her way again to the Addams mansion waving at Lurch who's watering some dead plants.

"Hi, Lurch." She said and he looks up with a groan and gives her a nod, she jumps when he was hit by a cannonball and looks up seeing Pubert falling making grab the baby on time in her arms.

"Hello, Pubert." Katherine said with a smile and sighs. "Let me guess, Pugsley tried to get ride of you?" She asked earning a giggle from the baby and makes her way inside the house.

"And I cut off his finger at least one of his fingers for touching me from behind. He should be glad that Wednesday won't come for him at night and murder him." Katherine said telling the baby what had happened to her in a grocery store when a boy started flirting with her which Katherine got tired of his blabbering and left.

That was until the boy had the audacity touch her ass as she walked away and she was glad that Wednesday had gift her a box cutter on their one year of dating in case something like this happens. When she got that out, she manage to cut the boy one finger and the boy had run off screaming.

"Morticia, Mr. Gomez delivery coming in." Katherine said knocking on the door of their bedroom, both parents came out looking confused for a moment until their eyes lay on their baby. "Oh, my." Morticia said seeing her baby in Katherine's arms.

"Found this little nightmare outside the house, landed right on my arms when I said hi to Lurch." She said making the parents sigh.

"The boys." Gomez said knowing how his son landed on her arms. "Could you bring them down? We wanna speak to them." He said and Katherine nods heading to get the boys with Pubert still on her arms forgetting to give the baby to Mortica and Gomez.

"Wednesday Addams." Katherine calls as she enters the attic where she saw him and Pugsley each holding a hammer ready to hit one another. She heard her boyfriend curse and turns around with a small smile.

"Darling." He said and Katherine points at him adjusting the baby. "Don't darling me, you just had to make Pugsley scared and had him throw the baby out the window." She said and he rolled his eyes.

"But darling it's true! Just you wait until grandmama makes a comment about it." Wednesday said. "Your mother and father call for you boys, they wanna talk." Katherine said as she made her way down and smiles as Wednesday puts a hand on her back making sure she doesn't fall from the stairs while carrying the baby.


"Boys, why do you hate the baby?" Gomez asked as the parents looked at their children while Katherine holds a spider above the baby which he tried to reach with a giggle making Wednesday looks at them getting distracted.

"We don't hate him." Pugsley said with a shake of his head. "We just want to play with him."

Wednesday nods as he gets back on the conversation looking at his parents with a blank look. "Especially his head." He said and Katherine smiles at that.

"Do you think we love the baby more than you?" The parents asked making Pugsley nod except for Wednesday. "No, I just think his competition." He said making his parents and his girlfriend confused.

"Competition for what?" Katherine asked and he turns to her. "For you my darling, his grabbing all your attention just by one look and see his smirking at me!" He said pointing to his brother who gives him an innocent look, Katherine shakes her head holds the baby to give him to Mortica.

Wednesday growls in anger as the baby looks at him with a smirk with a wink as he peeks over Katherine's shoulder as he was passed to his mother.

"Don't be ridiculous, think of it as practice." She said and sits beside him. "Practice for what?" He asked and leans down as she whispers to him.

"For when we have kids in the future, wouldn't that be exciting!" She said and that made Wednesday go on a wild imagination.

"Do you think when a new baby arrives, another child has to die?" Mortica asked and Wednesday clears his throat a small noticeably blush could be seen if you payed attention.

"Yes." They said.

"Well, that's just not true." Grandmama said with a sad sigh as she knitted. "Not anymore."

"It's just sibling rivalry." Fester said with a shake of his head and looks at Gomez with a smirk. "Gomez, do you remember what we were like?" He asked as he stands up from his chair.

"I hated you!"

"I despised you."

"I choked him till he lost consciousness and had to be put on a respirator." Fester said with a grin and Gomez also grins looking at the kids.

"I tied him to a tree and pulled out four of his permanent teeth." Gomez said and Fester let's out a small laugh. "When he was asleep, I opened his skull and removed his brains."

Gomez looks at his brother confused. "You did?" Fester just laughed and opens his arms for a hug. "Brother!" Fester said.

Gomez gives him a smile getting up from the couch his arms open. "Brother!" He said and flips his brother over throwing him into the wall while quickly throwing some knifes.

"See, children." Fester said with a grin and laughs, Katherine laughs. "Katherine, will you be staying the night? If so I should lend you a nightgown that used to be mine." Mortica said making said girl confused.

"Wait, what happened to mine?" Katherine asked. "Pugsley accidentally let out his tiger cub out from the dungeon and had went through one of your clothes and Wednesday." Morticia said with a sigh and Pugsley chuckles.

"Sorry not sorry." Pugsley said as he walks away swinging some keys around his finger while whistling a creepy tune.

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