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"Are you out of your mind?!" Katherine shouts slamming the door behind her as she comes in the house to see her grandpa on the living room dancing

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"Are you out of your mind?!" Katherine shouts slamming the door behind her as she comes in the house to see her grandpa on the living room dancing. "Are you really angry with the family or are you that angry because I'm dating their son?" She asked.

"Both! That boy isn't good enough for you girl, not at all." He said with a glare looking at her. "You'll end up just like your mother." He said and Katherine gives him a cold look.

"Say it!" She shouts. "I dare you to say it! Because I'm nothing like her, a deadbeat mother." Katherine said pointing to a picture of her mother when she was her age pregnant at the time.

"Pregnant and abandoned." Her grandpa said. "If I get pregnant I'll deal with them on my own, I've done it when I was with mom and I'll do it again! And Wednesday is not the kind of guy to do that unlike those pathetic boys in school." She said and he just rolled his eyes at that.

"Ugh!! I'm not even thinking of getting pregnant just because I'm dating him." She said with a growl. "And it's not even the point right now,! Could you please change your mind on the restrain? Or anything to get them back home?" Katherine asked and her grandfather hums taking a seat on his favorite couch.

"I could... but with a price." He said his frown turning into a smirk making Katherine uneasy.


"Therefore, it is with no small amount of personal satisfaction that I declare Fester Addams legal executor of the Addams estate and rightful owner of all possessions and properties contained therein with one exception." Katherine's grandfather said with a smile and Katherine glares at him holding Wednesday's hand.

"Gomez Addams, I believe these are yours." Her grandfather drops a bucket of golf balls laughing at him.


"He really give you that option?" Wednesday asked as he packs his stuff and Katherine was helping him. "Yeah, I really wanted to help you but I couldn't-." Katherine gets cut off by Wednesday kissing her.

"You did the right thing, if I was giving the option as well I could never bring myself to break up with you just for that." He said as he pulls away holding her face. "I'm sure things will look up, us Addams family don't go down easily darling."

"Here, have this." He said giving her a headless doll. "I had this ever since I was a kid, maybe keep it."

"I'll do that, call me when you find a place to stay." Katherine said kissing him as they now stood outside the mansion where everyone was ready to leave. As she kiss him she puts an envelope on his coat without him knowing. "Stay safe and don't let the monsters bite, only I do that."

"That you do." Wednesday said with a smirk and goes in the car.


Wednesday rubs his head in annoyance seeing his father look dead and not on the good way. His family were able to find a hotel for the time being and currently they were on the table.

"Yes, we've been forced from our home." His mother said. "Yes, we've been betrayed by those we trusted, but we are Addamses and we will not submit."

"Who recalls the fable of the tortoise and the hare-- the swift yet lazy little cottontail and his slow but determined companion?" She asked.

"What does this story teach us?"

"ll the hare! Skin it. Boil it." Grandmama said and Wednesday smirks. "Put the tortoise on the highway." He said.

"During rush hour." Pugsley said with a smile making their mother nod. "Yes, we will survive." She said.

"Poison us, strangle us and Break our bones. We will come back for more and why?" She asked her kids, Wednesday grimace when he takes a spook of his normal cereal.

"Because we are Addams and we don't give up easily." Wednesday said and Gomez join in. "We're Addamses." Gomez said having thing rub his head.


"This is stupid! Why did you have to sell lemonade? Why not poison or something less horrible." Wednesday said as they stood outside the motel selling lemonade but their own version.

"Here, Lurch on the house." Pugsley said as he gives their butler a drink which said butler takes it. As he takes a drink he shoots fire out of his mouth burning up a figure from the motel.

"Never mind, let's spice things up a bit." Wednesday said with a smirk mixing up some things around. He frowns when a little girl is Girl Scouts comes to their lemonade stand. "Is this made from real lemons?" The girl asked.

"Yes." Pugsley said.

"I only like all-natural fruits and beverages, organically grown with no preservatives." The girl said and looks at their beverage again. "Are you sure they're real lemons?"

"Yes and if you aren't going to buy anything don't waste my time little girl." Wednesday said with a small glare making the scout girl step back a bit.

"Well, I'll tell you what. I'll buy a cup if you buy a box of my deliciousGirl Scout cookies." The girl suggested making Wednesday roll his eyes.

"Deal?" She asked and Wednesday leans forward. "Are they made from really scouts? Because I like them when they made out of real human." He said freaking out the girl and sighs going to his coat to get a cigarette but frowns when he pulls a bunch of cash.

"Wow, where did you get that money?" Pugsley asked making Wednesday close his eyes trying to remember and it didn't take long for him to figure out it was his girlfriend that put it.

"Hmm, that sneaky little cat." He said with a smirk and looks at his brother. "Looks like tonight we're going to eat just fine brother, let's go show this to mother." He said and they both stood up from their stand and Wednesday throws a potion to a pod killing the flower really fast.

" He said and they both stood up from their stand and Wednesday throws a potion to a pod killing the flower really fast

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