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"This magnificent piece is encrusted with rubies and 15 emerald chips

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"This magnificent piece is encrusted with rubies and 15 emerald chips." Her grandpa said making some of the people got interested in the piece, Katherine watched them from the second floor looking down at them. "Uh, it was donated by Morticia and Gomez Addams."

"What are you doing up here?" Katherine heard Wednesday say from behind her making her turn around. "Same as you, to get away from people." She said.

"Besides I don't want anyone to see me in this ugly pink dress." Katherine said gesturing to the long dress that was pink on the bottom and the top was black. "I prefer it was black or red." She said making him nod.

"True, black does bring out your eyes." He said as he slowly approached her making Katherine gulped at the look on his eyes as he got close. Now he was looking down at her making her curse herself at she decided to bring her low heels. "Ever told you how deadly you look with the mascara on? On those fingerless gloves fit right with you."

"What gloves?" She asked and gasps as she looks at her hands to see some black leather fingerless gloves. "How did you..." she said.

"Dark magic." He said and she shiver as he grabs her chin. "I could say the same thing about you, somehow you put me under a spell because I never felt so much attraction to any girl until you came in that bus." He said as he leaned forward.

Katherine opens her mouth to say something but she couldn't speak as she felt his free hand rub her back almost scratching her.

"At first I was confused until my mother told me what it was." He said and Katherine finally spoke. "And that is?" She asked.

"I have a strong attraction to you that it brings a shiver to my body." Wednesday said. 'And my heart.' He thought.

"And what are you going to do about it?" She asked and he smirks their foreheads against each other. He doesn't say anything but kiss her on the lips, his hand moving to her cheek while the other hand he had on her back was now on her hip holding her in place.

He was so tranced in claiming her lips that he forgot that they needed to breath which he does but Katherine doesn't have time to recover as she was kissed again her back being pressed on the wall. Which she just notice that they were away from the auction view but she didn't care as she got back to what was in front of her.

A tilt of his head and his tongue peeks to swipe over her lip, a silent question, one she answers by parting her mouth. There's new excitement bubbling between them as he tastes her, a slow and hungry kiss, one he doesn't hesitate to establish control.

But soon turn more intense when he bit her lip which draws a moan from Katherine, his hand flying to cup behind her neck so he can consume it capturing her lips in a far more heated kiss. He drops his hand down to her leg ready to raise it up when someone clears their throat making them both stop what their doing.

"As much as I love to see some my future great grandkids, we have to leave." Wednesday grandmama said with a laugh while chanting in happiness. "Yes! It finally has come and please call me grandmama." Grandmama said as she walked away with a laugh calling for her daughter.

Katherine shakes her head putting her head on Wednesday chest while he rubs her waist.

"I got myself a boyfriend." She said making him smirk. "That's for damn sure darling." He said.

"I'll offer you a ride back home but I'm pretty sure that you have to go with your grandfather." Wednesday said and Katherine nods. "I will see you tomorrow and be careful of that uncle of yours." She said making him nod.


"Grandmama said that you and Katherine had a good time at the second floor, tell me son." Wednesday's father said looking at him with a smile. "Is she a potential Addams girl?" He asked and Wednesday smirk as he looks away from the window.

"She sure is father." He said making his parents smile at each other. "How do you take it off?" Uncle Fester asked making them all look wide eyed at him which he didn't notice to busy trying to take the finger trap.

"There's a trick to it... of course." His mother said helping him get out, both son and father looked at each other.


Wednesday reads his book while hearing his dad rant about the imposter Fester while he heard the train whistle.

"How do you take it off?" He said repeating Fester's words back in the car. "That's absurd! That finger trap was a party favor at his 10th birthday."

"He wore that finger trap for two years. Mother had to teach him to eat with his feet. And the combination and the password and my cigar,and he slept so well." Wednesday saw his father speeding up the train and shakes his head.

"You using the diesel father." He said but his father still continues. "I mean, I could have told you what me and my darling felt about him but where is the fun in watching you finding out on your own." Wednesday said and turns a page.

"The covered bridge." He said seeing the train go on the bridge and holds on to something as the whole place shakes do to the train speed. "Spirits above me, give me a sign. Shall I be joyous, or shall I be damned?" His father asked and Wednesday stands up closing his book.

"As much as I like seeing you break down father, I'll be going back to sleep. Have some happy nightmares." Wednesday said and his father nods waving him away.

"Sweet nightmares son." His father said and said boy takes his leave and makes his way to bed. He lays for a while touching his lips unknowns to him Katherine was doing the same with a big smile on her face, this was the first time she ever had a boyfriend or even took a boy seriously but with Wednesday it fell just... right.

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