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"You look deadly my darling

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"You look deadly my darling." Wednesday said coming behind her on their room, she was wearing something similar as Mortica which she actually like it. "Thank you." Katherine said with a smile.

"Did you had to bring, Joel?" Katherine asked after Wednesday had told her that he invited Joel to the wedding. "Just want him to know that you always be mine and that he can't compete with the Addams clan." He said with a smirk kissing her neck.

"Besides I thought it will be a good idea to get him on the dark side like I did with the rest of the boys in camp." Wednesday said and Katherine smiles with a nod picking up the dead flower basket since she was picked to be one on the last minute.

"Let's get this over with." She said as they make their way to the graveyard. "And should we say something? With Debbie only using Fester for the money?" She asked and Wednesday shakes his head hold her hand into his elbow.

"I just thought it will be funny when she finds out on her own that uncle Fester isn't the one to inherit the money and property." Wednesday said and saw his uncle by the alter that they made. "Besides we forgot something about uncle Fester."

"And that is?" Katherine asked.

"He doesn't know when to stay dead." He said and they smile while Katherine drops the petals on the ground smiling at the clan with a nod.

"Here comes the bride." Katherine said as Debbie comes wearing a white wedding dress and the whole clan stood up either looking horrified that she was wearing a white dress or smiling knowing that they will get a clan member.

Cousin it begins and Wednesday holds Katherine's hands into his understanding what his cousin it had said and he couldn't agree even more earning a loving smile from her.

"I, fester Addams, do hereby declare my unending love. I will worship you forever. I will devote.. my every waking moment to your happiness alone." Fester said while crying as he got emotional and continues. "Oh, Henceforth I am your eternal and helpless slave."

"Nice, Ditto." Debbie said with a fake smile.


Katherine watched from afar as Debbie and Fester head into the car for their honeymoon but frowns when Festers whispers to his wife, Debbie rolled her eyes and turns around her back facing them and throws the flowers making the single Addams ladies and girls jump for it.

Unfortunately for her she got pulled in by some of the girls as they fought for the flower boquete and they all back away when it already landed on her hands.

"Would you look at that, Wednesday." Katherine calls waving the boquete at him and he smirks with the other Addams boys shake his shoulder or cheer for him.

"Tramp." A member of the clan said to her and Katherine spins to look at her with a glare. "Say it to my face slut." She said and before things could get ugly Wednesday pulls her away.

"I could have won." She said and Wednesday chuckles. "No doubt about that darling." He said and kiss her.

"Let's enjoy our moment before we go back to that horrible orphan camp." Wednesday said and she nods.


"Excellent, Amanda!" Becky said as she and Gary clap for her as she shot a bullseye. "Thank you." Amanda said as she gives the bow to Joel and flinch when she saw Katherine holding her short hair curtesy of Katherine when she left for the wedding.

"Dear Wednesday, Katherine and Pugsley, I love you dearly but I can never see you again." Katherine reads the post card that they got making her sigh. "She got to him." She said to her boyfriend who looked ready to kill.

"Glicker, go!" Gary said and Joel looks fed up and throws the arrow on the ground. "Good try." Becky said and Pugsley holds the bow.

"When you are grown-up and very lonely, you'll understand. Love, Uncle fester." Katherine finished and heard Wednesday take a deep breath to calm himself. "He's dead to me." He said. Pugsley shoots his arrow and shot it upwards when Gary had told him to go on.

They all look at the dead bird and Katherine sighs with a smile on her face seeing the look of disbelief and devastation on their faces when they saw what it was.

"It's an American bald eagle!" Becky said in shock, Wednesday grabs the bow from his brother ready to the same. "But aren't they extinct?" Gary asked and Wednesday chuckles shooting his mark on the center of his target.

"They are now." He said and Katherine laughs at their looks. "And you wanna know something shocking? You both will be send to jail if people find out that you were the cause of the last bald eagle." She said and takes a shot.

She walks around the two adults. "And since Pugsley is still a minor it will fall on to you two since you are in charge of the camp and your very own property." Katherine grins and gives the bow to Amanda.


"Look at this, I've got them." Joel said as he showed his collection cards to Pugsley while the couple we're together hinting from Gary and Becky. "Schizos and serial killers. I have almost the whole series, I'm only missing Jack the ripper and that zodiac guy." He said.

"But look, "The black widow." Joel said and Katherine takes the card from him showing it to Wednesday as they both take a look at it. "Debbie." They both said seeing how she looks so similar in the picture.

"At least three rich husbands... and will you look at that they all end up dead." Katherine said. "Just like Drake said, it's so sad that he was sent to the hospital because of the fall." She said with a fake sad face but Wednesday chuckles.

"And as their leader in the secondary but still compellingly written role of pocahontas, guess who we have in mind?" They heard Becky asked which it didn't set well to Katherine. "Our own little brunette outcast Katherine Harris!"

Said girl peeks from behind the bleachers to look at them in horror with Wednesday jaw drop when he heard the next words.

"And we will be having Drake who came back from the hospital a full recovery as Katherine's husband!" Wednesday also peeks out seeing Drake looking all smug with his formal shirt and jeans smirking at Wednesday when they made eye contact.

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