Birthday Special🎊🎉(Sparking/ Surge) Shu Kurenai x Reader

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Requested: no one

Since today is Shu Kurenai's birthday, I decided to make this story to celebrate with his friend.^^

Type of this story:
(☁️ + ❤)


(Author POV)

Every bladers and the female bladers were thinking about to surprise Shu's birthday.

"So, what do you guys thinking about Shu's birthday?" The bluenette asked. A (h/c) hair female glanced at him.

"Maybe we could.....decorate the birthday party." They stares at her as the bluenette grinned.

"That's a great idea, (Y/N)! Maybe we can make him a surprised after the Tag Battle." The blonde hair male, Honcho, smiled at his partner.

"I agree with Valt. Today is his birthday, so we need to make it hurry." They nodded, except Lui.

"Well, I prefer to not join this party." They stared at him disbelief that he don't want celebrate Shu's birthday. Until...

"Wait, Lui. I know you don't like it but atleast being nice with Shu." (Y/N) said with a small smiled. Lui look away.

"Yeah, (Y/N)-senpai is right, Lui-senpai! C'mon, join us!!" The blonde hyper, Dante, gave him a big smile and hoped. Lui can't help, but agree with them.

"Fine, fine. Just today." (Y/N) and Dante cheered.

"So, what are we going to do?" Lane asked with crossed his arms. (Y/N) say to them.

"Ok, Lane. You just make attention to Shu while we decorate the party in here." He nodded.

"Ok, I'll do it." She smiled.

"Me and Silas help to decorate tbe party." Free said as he dragged with the green hair male.

"Alright, me and Honcho go to my bakery and ask my mom to make a birthday cake." Valt said with a good plan. Honcho grinned at him.

"Yeah, let's go now Valt. We had not much time." The bluenette nodded at the blonde as they left this area place.

Meanwhile Lui and Dante, they were helping make some balloons with the gas air. Aiger and Ranjiro wrote 'Happy Birthday Shu Kurenai' at the big ribbon.

"So, Hikaru, Hyuga. What would two do for Shu's brithday?" Two Asahi's brother glanced for each other and smiled at (Y/N).

"We want to help you, (Y/N)." Hikaru said, Hyuga smiled and nodded in excitement. She stared at them confused.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Like, when Shu arrive here, you want to confess your feeling to him, right?" Her face turned red, her thought that she and him were a couple. She snapped out of the thought.

"Y-Yeah, that's true. But, what if he reject my feeling?" She asked sadly. Hyuga toward to her and gave her a small hugged. They were like brother and sister.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he won't reject you." She smiled at him, patted his head.

"Thank you." As he realised from the hug, (Y/N) go and helped them to decorate some ribbons for a few minutes.
With Shu

(Shu POV)

Where'd everyone? I didn't see Valt, (Y/N) or the others after the Tag Battle. Even Lane I can't see him either.

As I walk around the hall, I saw a male had purple hair and a hedgehog thing on his right/left shoulder. I can sure that was Lane.

He came towards me with a small smiled, but not as ruded as before.

💖 Shu Kurenai x Reader One-Shot 💖 (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now