Inexperienced Part 1

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Camila's POV:

So today is the day the girls are taking me out. Funny thing is, I don't know where, which is really annoying due to the fact that I hate surprises. I was sitting on the couch waiting patiently as I scrolled through tumblr re-blogging whatever I scrolled past.

  Ugh, they're finally here", I said to myself as I lazily got myself up off the couch to open the door. "Um, hey guys?," I say to my two friends Normani and Dinah whom seem really suspicious with huge grins on their faces. "Hey girl! Lets get going before the store closes!" Dinah says clapping while jumping up and down. 

Store? I thought to myself as Normani pulled me into the car by my arm. "Okay boo, I know you hate surprises but bear with me!" I heard Normani say as she wrapped a bandanna around my head, covering my eyes into complete darkness. "Ugh, guys! Is this really necessary? I mean I could've just simply covered my eyes with my hands!" I argued with an annoyed tone. "Girl shut your mouth, we are almost at our destination" Dinah sassed back.

 A few moments later I felt the car halt, causing me to lose my balance and roll over the back seat. As I was struggling to get back up I heard the abrupt laughter coming out of my friend's stupid mouths. I was about to shush them, but Normani interrupted by yanking off the bandanna, pulling my hair in the process. "Ouch!" I complained as I rubbed my head. "Oops, sorry Mila, we're here though," Normani chortled.

 I hopped out of the vehicle and saw we were parked in front of a tiny pink store surrounded by other abandoned buildings. There was only a sign perched on the roof of the store that read 'Sweet Devotion' in bold bubbly letters. "Um, guys?  Would anyone care to explain!?" I asked in a somewhat angry questionable tone. The pair were snickering behind me as they continued to escort me inside the little shop like a prisoner or something.

 As I entered the place, the lights were sort of dim, but not too dark as I was still able to see what was on the walls. There were shelves with DVDs and books, Wow how nice of the girls to bring me to a bookstore!  I thought. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I looked around once again to see what kind of books and DVDs they were and my eyes nearly bulged out of my head. I immediately turned around about to make a run towards the exit when Dinah suddenly grabbed me, causing me to stumble and fall back onto her. "Guys! What the actual fuck! You guys brought me to an adult store?!" I whisper- yelled as I saw a shadow walk out of the back room of this whole establishment. 

"Mila chill, we just thought that you needed something to actually do instead of being home all day rotting away on your couch! Pun intended, plus, you need to step up your sex life and spice it up a bit. You must have spiderwebs up in there" Dinah says as she rolled her eyes and pushed me further back into the store. "Dinah! You don't have to say my business out like that! Mostly in public..." I whispered, "Well what do you expect me to do?" I continue, " By the way Dinah, I most definitely DO NOT have spiderwebs up...there." 

Normani muffled her laugh as I turned to glare at her. "Mila, Dinah's right,  just loosen up a bit and have fun. Sorry, yeah we should of asked you first but we just don't want to see you turn into a crazy cat lady like your neighbor" Normani explained as she rubbed her arm with her hand. I saw the sincere look on my friends faces, but I mean they are kind of right. I'm a 23-year-old college senior for fucks sake, and I haven't even dated since freshman year. I live in a huge apartment alone since my old roommate transferred out of state.

 Summer vacation started last month and I haven't done anything but sit around, watch Netflix and eat family sized buckets of ice cream. Okay thinking about it now it does sound pretty lame. Maybe I should give this a try and 'spice up my sex life' as Dinah said. I let out a heavy sigh, "Fine, but only because we are already here, and we are in the middle of nowhere so I an't really make a run for it because  you guys are my only ride back."  The girls started yelling and jumping around in victory while I just rolled my eyes in amusement.

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