Not-So-Innocent Pt.1

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Lauren arrived at the Cabello's residence, where her nerves immediately kicked in since she was having dinner with her girlfriend's parents. It wasn't the first time she has gone over, but every time she did she stayed in her car and practiced what she'd say, have embarrassed herself many times in the past six years of dating their daughter since middle school.

Taking in a couple short breaths, Lauren gathered up enough courage and exited her vehicle. She walked up to the front porch, flowers in one hand while the other fixed her loose fitting skirt.

To her luck, Mr. Cabello answered the door and she tried so hard not to stutter she was sure her brain slightly melted there and then.

"Hello Mr.Ca- sorry Alejandro." Mr. Cabello laughed halfheartedly, changing his stern facade into a wide grin before pulling the green eyed girl into a bone crushing hug. She felt blood rise to her cheeks, and before she could say anymore she was engulfed with another not-so-bone-crushing hug, this time by a smaller figure. 

"Hey, Camz" She wrapped her arms around her girls neck, bringing her closer making sure the flowers were still hidden from her sight. "Hey Laur" She pulled away and grabbed her gently by the chin, lifting it up and kissing her sweetly.

"I'm going to go ahead and help your mother setting up the table, please come in and make yourself at home Lauren" the green eyed girl looked up at Mr. Cabello.

"Thank you, sir" he rolled his eyes and laughed, turning around before disappearing through the wooden door.

Still in each others arms, Camila took this chance and slid her hands down Lauren's back, to her ass and gave it a firm squeeze through her skirt. Lauren jumped at the sudden action, nearly dropping the flowers. Before she could talk she began moving backwards and was pushed roughly against the wall by Camila.

Sloppy kisses were left all around her exposed collarbones and neck, the shorter girl sucking roughly at a spot she decided to mark up and finished with a wet kiss on the lips. A wide-eyed Lauren stood there shocked, Camila smirked and reached behind for the flowers.

"Aw, for me? Thank you baby I love them." She reached up on her toes to give Lauren one last peck before swiftly entering her home."You look hot as fuck in that skirt by the way."

 Lauren in panic turned to see her reflection on the living room window outside, noticing Camila had left a clearly visible mark under her jaw. She looked through the window to see a smirking Camila sitting on the couch, a finger in her mouth and the flowers on her lap looking right back at her.

Lauren fixed her hair to cover up the bruise as best as she could, before shaking herself off and entering her girlfriends home.


"How was your day Lauren? Anything interesting happen today?" Mrs. Cabello asked as she started clearing up the table for dessert.

Camila had been stroking Lauren's thigh throughout the entire time, making it almost impossible to form a complete sentence without stumbling across her words. She looked over at her girl pleadingly to allow her to say at least one thing to her mother right. Camila simply chuckled and continued her stroking motions getting dangerously closer inside her skirt.

"It went well, my classes went by pretty fast which I'm glad." Mrs. Cabello nodded, placing a cake in the middle of the table. "Nothing exciting, but I am looking into buying my own place." She released a breath of air she held in, Camila purposefully trailing her hand higher and higher inside her skirt to the point where she could feel the heat from Lauren's center.

"Mom, she's taken. We'll skip dessert for now mami I have to tell Laur something very important." Without allowing her mom to argue she grabbed Lauren's hand and dragged her up the stairs into her bedroom.

She threw Lauren onto her bed and locked the door behind her, immediately straddling her girlfriend.

"Camz, your parents are right downstairs. We shouldn't-"

"Lauren! Babe! Relax, please, I know what I'm doing" she giggled, crawling off her girlfriend crouching under her bed. She reached under and grabbed a medium sized treasure chest with a lock on it. She got up on her knees and placed the chest on her bed, removing the locket around her neck.

Lauren watched her patiently, realization dawning upon her on why she always carried that key necklace around. She always thought it to be a good luck charm or simply her house key. Camila looked over the now open chest to see a very curious looking Lauren nervously picking at the hem of her shirt.

Camila took out a strap on the size a little smaller than the box. She threw it at Lauren, "Fuck me."

Lauren tried to change the topic "That looks like something that would go clipped around your neck."

"It's just a harness to keep it up dummy"

"Yeah but, are you sure?"

"Lauren, do you really think I would've told you to 'fuck me' if I wasn't?"

"No, but I mean maybe you-"

"LAUREN for fucks sake put this on"

Lauren was hot and bothered at her girl's boldness of today, she argued no more and sat up on the bed sliding off her skirt along with her panties. Camila didn't move from her knelt position, making her kneel between Lauren's legs having a front row seat at what she was doing.

Camila eyed the way she slowly slid her clothes off, more and more of her pale skin exposing itself making her mouth water. Lauren watched Camila watching her growing more and more hot by the second.

"Here" the brown eyed girl handed over the toy, having removed the straps from it like she preferred.

Lauren took this as a chance to take over, "Put it in for me?"

A/N: LOL Here's another cliffhanger by yours truly <3 Love ya'll too, I'm comin in HOT. Oh but like, I have my college orientation up north this Friday so hopefully I'm able to update before I leave. How you guys been? I genuinely would like to know. What I would also genuinely would like to know is if you've been taking care of yourself and drinking plenty of water? Slide in my DMs and say hello! (lol or comment here I'll reply either way)Stay Hydrated! xxMarina

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