Cabin Fever

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A/N: I dedicate this chapter to TheBattleOfSnakes for helping me out with the original prompt if this story LUH YUH FAM 💫

Lauren and Camila rushed around the cabin bedroom, shoving clothes into their suitcases. They were running late for their plane home, and were currently panicking over it. Clothes were flying around everywhere, both girls were desperate to finish packing.

"Okay, but if SOMEONE hadn't decided to keep me up last night this would have never happened, and we'd be on the plane going home to our warm and cozy apartment" Camila scolded Lauren while rummaging through one of the wooden drawers.

"Hey now, don't blame shit on me, Camz! You weren't complaining when my tongue and three fingers were inside of you!"

Camila paused for a moment blushing as she recalled last night's events. She bit her lip and shook her head, knowing she really didn't complain at all, not even a bit. But then again, it was Lauren's fault, Camila had reminded Lauren about the date set to return home on the tickets. Lauren just said they'd be fine and would remember, to just relax this time alone and savor it.

"Wait, why did we even come to New York when it's snowing?"

Lauren stopped what she was doing and rolled her eyes sighing, "Because my wife wouldn't stop talking about how it was her childhood dream to come to New York while it snowed and make love in a cabin. Like, why was it  your childhood dream? Wierdo, you're lucky I love you." she laughed continuing her packing.

Camila huffed, giving up on trying to close her disheveled suitcase. The younger girl threw her body back onto the bed letting out a dramatic sigh. She continued watching her very busy wife packing, not noticing after a while that Lauren was looking at her back with an unamused look.

"You know, it would be very nice if you could help me out here."

Camila smirked and stood up from the bed "Relax grumpy pants, we basically already missed our flight, and I mean it would be no harm if we just stayed for one more night" she trailed off, standing behind the green eyed girl. Camila slithered her hands around Lauren's torso, rubbing her sides as she did so.

Lauren was about to argue but failed miserably as soon as Camila started trailing her hands further south. Leaning into her, Camila saw that as a sign to continue with her little foreplay leaving gentle kisses on her wife's shoulder.

"Just think about it, one more night here, baby, and I could fuck you in the places we didn't get to around this cabin. I think we missed by the fireplace and kitchen floor. Or maybe, just maybe, I could fuck you right here on this bed" Camila husked in her ear. Lauren released a small moan, closing her eyes as she imagined her wife's tongue deep inside her.

"What do you say, Laur?"

"I say fu- Fuck!" the green eyed girl was interrupted by the power of the cabin shutting off, leaving both women in the dark cold and  sexually frustrated.

Camila groaned, walking around the cabin cursing at it under her breath as she looked for candles. "What does a woman have to do to get laid around here! Sacrifice a goat?"

"I got the matches Camz"

"I got the matches Camz" she mimicked, laughing to herself. "I'm so funny" she continued

"What was that babe?" Lauren poked her head through the door frame. She walked in with two large candles that were already lit and passed the match box to Camila.

Camila let out a long dramatic sigh that continued on until she lit the candles she had found. She turned to her wife whom was leaning on the door frame with her arms crossed and her face showing annoyance.

Camila gave her a sheepish smile, shrugging her shoulders patting the empty space besides her on the bed. Lauren gave in and joined her wife on the bed cuddling up to her immediately searching for warmth.

The brunette smirked and leaned towards her wife's ear, "I'm guessing the bed it is then" she bit her earlobe playfully, making her shudder. Camila moved over Lauren swiftly straddling her stomach, "Plus, consider it a way to keep us warm" she winked lowering herself until her nose was touching the girl below hers.

Lauren let out a sigh of relief when her wife kissed her delicately, her arms wrapping around the body on top hers pulling her in closer. Camila began grinding her hips on her wife's unconsciously, releasing a soft moan separating their lips.

The green eyed girl was in awe as the dim light from the candles revealed Camila's face showing nothing but concentration; mouth slightly open, eyes closed shut, her hair swaying along with her movements. She also happened to feel when Camila grabbed her arms and pinned them above her head, using them as some sort of grip as she started grinding her hips even faster.

Lauren's eyes rolled to the back of her head when Camila shifted positions, now straddling one of her legs instead. Her knee went directly to Lauren's throbbing center, hitting her each time she rocked onto her.

Camila continued with her ministrations until she felt a knot on her lower stomach, coming all over her panties leaving a wet stain on Lauren's leg. When the smaller girl lifted her head and opened her eyes she caught sight of Lauren's which was also illuminated by the candle on the bedside; her eyes were screwed shut and she had small beads of sweat dripping down towards her cleavage.

She wasn't done there though, and with one swift move she slid down Lauren's body taking both hers and the older girl's panties off. Camila immediately smelt the arousal from her wife. Wasting no time, Camila probed her tongue on Lauren's clit, earning a groan from the woman above her.

Two fingers entered Lauren, feeling the slick walls moving her fingers as if they were scissors inside her. Lauren reached down with one hand and tangled her fingers throughout the brunettes hair, the other hand clutching the bed sheets desperately.

The older woman was in bliss, shouting incoherent words and Camila's names as she rode the said girl's tongue. Camila took this as an advantage and moaned onto Lauren's sex, sending waves of even more pleasure throughout Lauren. She sucked and bit her clit, moving her tongue around as her digits continued moving in and out of her.

Camila felt Lauren's orgasm approaching, and by how she was yelling and moaning above her she could tell she was coming down hard and fast. With one last swipe on her clit and fairly rough bite, Lauren came, untangling her hand from Camila's head and grabbing the pillow behind her to not rip off her hair.

Lauren's chest was heaving, she swore she blacked out for a few moments, although the room was pretty dark so maybe she thought that had to do with it as well. Camila crawled up her body a few seconds later after cleaning her up.

"I love you" Lauren whispered slightly out of breath

"I love you too" Camila whispered back, leaning up for a deep kiss. Needing air, Camila pulled away gently, smiling down at Lauren before reaching out to pull the duvet over them. She reached out to blow the candles over Lauren then snuggled back down onto Lauren's side.

After a few moments of comfortable silence Lauren spoke up, "You know, I still owe you Camz. That was pretty amazing. You're pretty amazing"

Camila softly laughed, blushing at Lauren's attempt at being corny. She was about to respond but Lauren beat her to it, going under the covers and sliding down Camila's body making her hands instantly grip the bed sheets...

Well stay hydrated! -Love Marinaxx

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