prologue: (Akito's pov) a post-mortem adventure

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The jingle chimed, and the class was dismissed. A young man, carrying his iconic waist pouch around his shoulder, grab his backpack and left for the library for a group study.

This man is Akito Izuki, 5 months ago, an incident struck shibuya, the popular district of Tokyo, causing the entire population went missing outta nowhere, except him who rised from a near death experience after a bike accident, which he encountered a spirit that grants him power before he rest in peace.

Now here he stands, as a man recovering from the devestated loss of his own family. All because of a man who caused all of that for his deceased wife, which broke the laws of the dead.

Even so he returned to his regular routine. He had his meals, attending lectures and going out for a friendly gathering. For him, friends is the only thing that can replicate a family's warmth and that's for sure.

That Friday night, he was so exhausted that he had to declined every single gatherings to get his assignments done. He had his instant noodles ready, steaming up a cup of coffee, and working on all the piled up task given by the lecturers.

Akito: "Man, what a tiring day....."

As he laid back at his chair after finishing assignments, his vision fixtated at the photo frame, the photo.....of a happy family. The one whom he had lost.

Akito: "even after 5 months, I still can't move on from what happened. Mom, dad, what should I do?"

Aside from doing assignments, when alone, he either do revision, playing video games or reading. Well, boys be boys so rules never change. However, he's too burnt out for today so he sat on his bed, rewinding the memories he had with his family.

Akito: "mom, dad, Mari.....I'm so sorry"

Just as he uttered, the vision blurred, his head felt heavy and his consciousness started being drowzy. With a "poof", his head hits the pillow, and only deep breathing can be heard across the room. Yes, Akito, due to overfatigue, has felt aslept on his bed.

A few Seconds has passed and he finally woke up, at somewhere he don't belong. Akito opened his eyes, half asleep, and saw nothing but a space of void and darkness, with a lil bit of chaos.

Akito: "wait, this isn't my room. Where is my laptop?"

Without hesitation, he raised his voice and called out across the void.

Akito: "Hello? Is Everyone there?"

No one, as his voice echoes across the place. Akito felt quite hopeless, but this doesn't stop him from finding the truth.

Akito: "a place filled with darkness ans some familiar texture, what in the hell is this place?"

???: "so are you seriously want us to kill you after we finally able to sleep in peace?"

A familiar voice rang from behind, Akito turned his back and his face widened with shock. There stand the four familiar figures, one being recognisable just by his face.

???: "you know, Rinko really hates getting interrupted, just remind you."

Akito: "KK?!"

He couldn't hold his expression and quickly paced towards them. They supposed to be rest in peace as they say. But this time, they've returned.

Akito: "How did you came back?!"
KK: "just say you have disrupted our 'sleep'"
Akito: "wait, what?"
Rinko: "that stupid noise of yours echoes around this place and even can heard across the area. We just woke up from that and can't go back to sleep at all."

Rinko appeared behind Akito, standing with her arms crossed. Her expression already tell that she wasn't haply with that. All the times worthy of the rest is now ruined by a loud vibrating echo. And now, to his left, stood two figure that Akito don't recognise. He heard of their name but didn't know what they looked like.

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