I | Memories of the past

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He was running away. Running from everything. Away from the castle, were his uncle wanted to kill him, into the forest. A forest that he had known for his entire life and still he didn't knew were he was running. Just away. Into safety. Someone was chasing him. He didn't know who or what. He did know we're he was or what was going on...
He just ran. Ran for his life.

Sirius woke up. He was laying in his bed in the Griffindor dorm. The others were still asleep, of course they were. It was still dark outside. Full moon was just one week ago but Remus was already okay again.
Sirius never told the others about these weird dreams he was having, or the fact that he could remember the live of a different Person. The life of King Caspian, it was like he was him. But that didn't make sense. He was Sirius Black!
He left the dorm, went to the common room and sat down on the sofa. The fire was not big anymore. It's been hours since the evening after all. He was surprised the fire was still burning at all but than again it was probably magic involved.
"Black what are you doing up so late?" He heard a female voice behind him. He turned his head to the stairs. On the end of the stairs stood Lily Evans. "I could asked you the same!" Sirius said and smirked at her. Lily just rolled her eyes. "Did you have a nightmare again?" She asked. Right, lily knew... Well at least about the dreams. He never told her what they were about and at some point she just assumed that it were nightmares. But she didn't care to asked. Of course she was worried for her classmate but this was Potters best friend after all.
She sat down next to the black haired boy. It was a routine by now. Every few days they were sitting in the common room together and just stayed quiet. They have been doing this for the past 6 years of there Hogwarts life's. Now in 7th year it was normal for them. They didn't needed words, they just needed each others presence or rather the feeling of someone next to them it wasn't really important who it was just someone.

The marauders were eating there breakfast. It was a normal day like every other day. They were joking around and planing there pranks. Well James, Remus and Peter did. Sirius was deep in thoughts. He was thinking of the Pevensies and Eustace, the Narnians and Caspian's life in general. It was magical and Narnia was a beautiful land. It just seemed so unreal, but at the same time real? He didn't know how to explain it. But deep down he wished he could visit the land and met all the creatures that lived there.
"Hey Padfoot, are you still with us?" James asked. Sirius looked up suddenly ripped from his thoughts. He stayed quiet for a few seconds, which worried the other marauders. It wasn't normal for Sirius Black to be this quite he was normaly one of the first to joke around and suggest new pranks."Yeah, I was just..." He looked over to lily who just smiled at him. "Thinking about... stuff." He said looking back to the others. "Why did you look over to Evens?" James asked. "Just checking on her. I'm sure she is getting grey hair before saying yes to you!" Sirius joked. "I will kill you!" James shouted and jump over the table towards his best friend. Both landing laughing on the ground. They got a few weird looks of the people around them but most of the Hogwarts students were used to the behaviour of the two anyways and just ignored them at this point.

"So there is a topic I would like to talke about in this lesson..." The professor said but the marauders weren't even listening. James was telling Peter a story of what he and Sirius did in the holidays while Sirius and Remus were planing a Prank. However one thing the professor said caught Sirius attention. "Some people can actually remember there past life's. They Normally think it's just dreams they have about someone else's life. These life's can be from people from the past, future and even from a different world. Normally that person would look like you, or at least very similar. It can also happen that they look the exact same to what the person looks like." The professor explained. Sirius raised his hand before he could think about it. The professor looked at him in surprise. Never had the Sirius Black payed attention to his class. "Black, you have a question?" He asked. Everyone in the room turned to him, just as surprised as their teacher. Even the Marauders looked at their friend weirdly. "I- what would it mean if you did have these 'deams' about someone else who looked like you? I mean that sounds stupid?" He said, trying to act cool, but he really wanted to know. Wanted to know, because it maybe was what was going on with him his entire life. Maybe he actually was this Caspian guy. "Well that would mean that your past life would have an effect on your new life." "What people from your past life come to you, or what?" He laughed. "That could happen for example." The professor said. Sirius stayed quite imagining the reaction of the others when suddenly there was a talking lion in front of them, or actually any talking animal from Narnia.

"Wouldn't it be cool to remember your past life?" asked Peter when the Marauders were sitting at lunch. "It depends. If you had a shitty life you wouldn't want to remember it would you?" Said Remus. The others nod. "But imagine if you were like a King in your past life. That would be so cool!" The boy said again. "Or you were Merlin! Or Godric Gryffindor!" James said totally convinced of the idea. "But what if you were Grindelwald?" Remus said jokingly. Sirius had to laugh at James discussed face. "Don't laugh at me Padfoot!" James hit him gently against the shoulder. Shortly after they fell into silence. "We should get to our classes." Remus said and got up. The other three following.

In the evening Sirius stared at the ceiling. The others already asleep. He wasn't sure what to think after the day. What if he really was Caspian. What if it wasn't just his fantasy but actually Memory's. Were the Pevensies from this world? From what time period were there? Are they still alive or not even born yet. Should he... search for them? No there were probably thousands of different world the chance of them being from this one were way to low to actually search for them. Sirius turned around and closed his eyes. Slowly falling asleep.

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