8. Climb

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"Come on boys, lets go on a hunt."

"Be careful sandor, you know father is a shit shot. I don't need him stabbing you on accident." Amelia told him as he got ready.

"Don't worry about me, gorgeous. I cant handle the old man." Sandor told her confidently. "Your little shadow is back." Sandor remarked nodding to Bran.

"He's sweet and I like him." Amelia told him.

"Good since you are stuck with this family now." Sandor remarked.

"You are going to be stuck here too!' Amelia called after him. "Once I speak to father and convince him."

"Convince him," sandor agreed. "I cant handle your brother without you." He smirked as he headed off.

'I know what I'm putting you through. Thank you for saying yes. I only ask you because I need you. You're a loyal friend. You hear me? A loyal friend. The last one I've got." Robert remarked

'I hope I'll serve you well.' Ned told him.

'You will. And I'll make sure you don't look so fucking grim all the time. Come on, boys, let's go kill some boar!" Ned nodded goodbye to Bran as the riding party headed off.

'Come on, you.' Bran instructed summer as she watched the riding party take off. Summer ran circles around Amelia and she laughed out as she jumped up on Amelia.

"Hello beautiful." Amelia coed running her hands through Summer's fur.

'Amelia!' Rickon shouted as him and shaggy dog came running up.

"Hiya handsome." Amelia remarked as he jumped up into her arms.

"I taught Shaggy dog a new trick.' Rickon declared.

"You did? Can I see?'' Rickon nodded jumping back down. He adored Amelia. Arya and Sansa never paid him much attention but Amelia had younger siblings and Rickon was easy to love.

'Spin!' Rickon declared and shaggy dog stared at him. Bran wrapped an arm around Amelia. She might be married to Robb but make no mistake, she was Bran's.

"That was great." Amelia mused playing with Bran's hair.

"Let me try again!" Rickon declared. "SPIN!" he shouted and shaggy dog stared up at him. "SPIN! You are making me look bad!' Rickon hissed. "Spin!' rickon started spinning in circles and Shaggy dog copied him.

"Wonderful!" Amelia applauded.

"I can show you how high I climb." Bran offered. "I go really high."

"Really high?" Amelia questioned as he smiled up at her.

"Really high." He confirmed.

"Be really careful." Amelia countered as he let her go. He ran to the wall but ran back to her. he motioned for her to get lower. She bent down to her face was even with his and he kissed her before running back to the wall. Amelia couldn't help but laugh as she watched him.

"Best not tell Robb about that Brandon." Amelia mused.
"Tell him!" Bran declared smirking back at her.

Bran began climbing, summer was whining and crying at the bottom of the castle wall by Amelia.

"Its alright Summer," Amelia coed kneeling next to her. As Bran neared the top, he heard a woman and man moaning. Confused he peered in the window, shocked and confused he stared at Cersei and Jaime.

'Stop. STOP.' Cersei demanded as Jaime pulled out of her. Jaime ran to the window and grabbed Bran holding him still. Bran started to breathe heavy confused and scared as his eyes flickered between the twins.

'Are you completely mad?' Jaime questioned

' He saw us.' Cersei reminded Jaime.

"Bran?" Amelia called up to him but he was frozen. "Bran, are you alright?"

'It's all right. It's all right.' Jaime assured his grip still tight on Bran's shirt.

'He saw us!' Cersei shouted as she righted herself.

"Bran?" Amelia called and he glanced back down to her. "Are you stuck? Do you need help?" Amelia questioned as Summer and shaggy dog started whine next to her.

'I heard you the first time.' Jaime remarked he turned to a very nervous Bran. 'Quite the little climber, aren't you? How old are you, boy?'

'Ten .' Bran said nervously.

'Ten.' Jaime repeated looking to Cersei. But Cersei's stared was harsh. 'The things I do for love.' Jaime remarked shoving Bran out the window. Amelia took a step forward only for Bran to come falling down, landing with a thud before her. she screamed as Jaime moved away from the window. Catelyn came running as Amelia dropped before him.

"He..." Amelia couldn't speak. Catelyn looked up at the tower.
"He was climbing wasn't he?" Catelyn remarked and Amelia nodded holding his head in her lap.


"Amelia!" Jaime shouted when he got down seeing her on the ground he feared he pushed the boy on top of her.

"I'm... fine.' She whimpered as maester luwin came before them. "Help him uncle Jaime."

"What happened?" He asked innocently.

"Bring him to his room so I can examine him better." Maester luwin requested. The boy was alive Jaime thought as he stared down at Bran's mostly lifeless body.

"Uncle Jaime help him." Amelia begged.

'What's with all the shouting?' Robert questioned the screams had echoed into the woods. Ned looked to Amelia and saw a petrified look on her face as she stared down at Bran.

'My son! My son!' Catelyn screamed at him.

"Amelia are you alright?" Robb questioned seeing the blood on her hands.

"It's not mine.' She said distantly as her uncle Jaime gently carried Bran away. 

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