84. Pretty & Vicious

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"We already had this discussion, if you want to go to the crypts then I will too but since that's not happening then I would rather be up here where I can at least try to keep you safe." Amelia declared. 

"I love you." Bran finished holding to her hand. "And you are staying up there." Bran pointed with his opposite hand. "With the archers and if anything goes wrong-"

"I find you because odds are the king got to you and you need saving." Amelia offered. 

"I suppose me saying get safe is stupid." Bran remarked. 

"It is." Amelia agreed kissing him. "Do be careful. I want that fairy tale ending of yours." Bran chuckled holding tight to her hand. "I love you." She watched as they rolled him away and felt a wave of panic. 

"Are you sure?" Rickon asked hugging her tight. 

"Get safe, I will see you after." Amelia told him brushing his hair from his eyes. "I promise." Amelia whispered kissing his forehead. 

'Go down to the crypts' arya told Sansa

'I am not abandoning my people!' sansa told her but she was terrified

'Take this and go!' Arya demanded shoving a dagger into her hands

'I don't know how to use it...' sansa said gripping it tight.

'Stab them with the pointy end.' Arya told her smugly. 

"Be careful Amelia, I love you." Rickon whispered against her. 

"I love you too, go on, get safe. Keep an eye on my uncle for me." She requested as he let her go. He nodded as he followed Sansa into the crypts. She locked eyes with Amelia, giving her a small nod as Arya came up behind Amelia. 

"Maybe the walkers get me and you don't have to deal with me anymore." Amelia remarked. "Wouldnt that be lucky for you." 

"Don't die." Arya murmured and Amelia stared at her as she walked by. 

"Are we bonding? Is that what that was?" Amelia called after her. 

"Don't push it." Arya called back. 

"You can admit it, we all might die. You don't hate me anymore!" Amelia declared smirking back at her. 

"Don't die." Arya repeated glancing back at her. 

"Did you hear that? Little bitch wants me to live." AMelia remarked. 

"Get yours ass in the crypt." Sandor demanded as Amelia crossed her arms over her chest. "Amelia." Sandor barked. 

"I love you and don't die." Amelia informed him jumping up to kiss his cheek. "I'm going to be by the archers."

"Get in the fucking crypts Amelia.'' Sandor demanded. 

"Nope." Amelia said defiantly. 

"Amelia, it's not safe-"

"You think I don't know that? I refuse to sit and shake. You trained me-"

"That was a long time ago." Sandor reminded her. 

"I'm still good, I'm going to stay up top. Shooting flaming arrows down." Amelia informed him. 

"Amelia." Sandor grumbled. She stared back at him. "You always were stubborn." Sandor remarked. 

"Be careful sandor." Amelia requested. 

"Things grow ugly you get your ass in the crypt." Sandor demanded. Amelia smiled sweetly up at him. "Damn you, girl." She waited patiently. "I love ya too, don't fucking die." Sandor demanded.

"Crypts Tyrion." Amelia requested pointing a finger for him to go inside. 

"You should be-"

"I'm right where I need to be." Amelia countered sending him off but he grabbed her hand. 

"Be careful Amelia." Tyrion begged. "You were always my favorite girl."

"I know." Amelia agreed kissing his cheek. "And when I come back undead dont take it personally when I gnaw your face off." Amelia mused. Tyrion stared back up at her shaking his head. 

"Don't say shit like that." Tyrion grumbled and Amelia chuckled as he walked off. "I love you but goodness Amelia," Tyrion murmured. 

"Love you!" Amelia called back.

"Gnaw my face off." He muttered glancing back at her. 

"You are picturing me as a walker arent you?" Amelia mused. 

"So pretty and so vicious." Tyrion remarked heading down. 

The archers stood up top shooting flaming arrows down at the enemy. Amelia fired down sending arrow after flaming arrow. Her gaze flickered to Sandor as one was coming up behind him. She loaded her bow, let out a breath and shot one in the head killing it, it tumbled against Sandor dead. Sandor turned around seeing Amelia with the bow. He gave her a nod before bashing in a few more walkers.

"What did I say? You would be dead without me!" Amelia declared. 

"Me telling you to get in the fucking crypts really isnt happening now." Sandor remarked swinging his axe around. 

"Never was." Amelia shouted back. "You're welcome!"

'Light the trench! Light the trench!' Davos waved his torches back-and-forth alerting daenerys that now was the time to light the trench to protect the castle. But Davos continue to wave the torches but Daenerys on her dragon could not see the little flame from above.

'Light the trenches! Light the trenches!' Davos told the archers and they shot their flaming arrows at it but the fire fizzled out.

Amelia shot uselessly as the barricade as the walkers kept getting in, but every arrow fizzled out. Davos looked to the sky for Jon and his dragon but the clouds were to thick, it was too dark and too clouded. Still they shot uselessly at the trench trying to bring it to life.

"It's not working." Amelia remarked. 

"Yeah, I gathered." Davos replied still trying to catch their attention. "Keep firing!"

"We are wasting arrows." Amelia countered turning her bow to the walkers that had already breeched the wall. 

The red woman came forward putting her hands on the trench borders saying a prayer to the Lord of light to give them fire to protect them to save them arrows flew past her sword swung the enemy near closer she kept praying and praying and praying they got closer and closer and closer finally as when one was about to jump on her the whole trench lit a flame killing the enemy that ran into it. A circle of light of fire swarmed around Winterfell protecting them the flame was mirrored in their eyes as they watched the enemy burn.

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