24. Pain

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'Tyrion...' Bronn hissed 'Tyrion... Tyrion!' he said again standing up Tyrion looked around finally seeing what Bronn saw nervously he stood behind Bronn men getting closer

'Come share our fire, help yourselves to our meat.' Tyrion suggested

'When you meet your gods tell them that Shagga son of the dolf of the storm crow sent you.' The man said.

'I am Tyrion son of Tywin of clan Lannister.' Tyrion informed them.

'How would you like to die Tyrion son of Tywin?' The man asked

'In my own bed at the age of 80 with a belly full of wine and a girl's mouth around my cock.' Tyrion informed him and the man started laughing.

'take the half man.' he said 'he can dance for the children, kill the other one.' they charged forward Bronn held out his second dagger

'No no no.' Tyrion pleaded 'my house is rich and powerful if you see us through these mountains my father will shower you with gold.'

'We have no use for A half man's promises.' shagga said

'Half men maybe but at least I have the courage to face my enemies or what do the stone crows do? hide behind rocks? shiver when the knights of the veil ride by? those the best weapons you could steal? Good enough for killing sheep but sheep don't fight back.' Tyrion told him Shagga swiped his blade at Tyrion nicking his cheek

'Do you think you can win us over with your trinkets?' shagga questioned and Tyrion pulled the ring off his finger handing it over to him.

'That trinket is worth more than everything your tribe has ever earned.' Shagga put on the lion ring silver and beautiful. 'I will not give you trinkets I will give you this.' He gestured around them.

'What is this?' Shagga questioned

'The veil of Arryn.' Tyrion told him 'the lords of the veil have always spat upon the village tribes the lords of the veil want me dead I believe it is time for new lords of the veil.' so together they walked a force to be reckoned with when they saw the Lannister red tents below. He had made it.

'From here it might be best if Bronn and I go alone to meet my father.' tyrion told him

'Best for Tyrion son of Tywin but not best for me.' shagga said 'if the half men betrays us shagga son of Dolph will cut off his manhood and-'

'Feed it to the goats yes.' Tyrion finished 'all right then time to meet my father.'


Ned was pouring over the book that Lord Ayryn had been looking at of the houses in the succession of the families when he came across the Baratheon chart

Black of hair

Black of hair

Black of hair

Steffon Baratheon Black of hair.

Robert Baratheon Black of hair.

Stannis Baratheon Black of hair.

Renly Baratheon Black of hair.

Joffrey Baratheon golden hair.

He flipped the book closed. Bastard.


"Hi honey." Amelia coed. Summer and Shaggy dog settled on the ground as Amelia picked Rickon up putting him on Bran's bed with them.

"I had a bad dream.' He whispered wiping at his eyes.

"Oh no... what was it about?" Amelia questioned kissing his head.

"Lions attacking wolves." Rickon told her.

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