72. Blades

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Dancing with our hands tied // Jon Snow out now!!

''this is for you," Petyr remarked holding out a blade made of valaryian steel. ''the last man who wields it had meant to cut your throat your mother fought him off." Petyr told Bran handing it off.

"That's not right." Bran told him. Petyr stared back at him. "Amelia, she saved me. She fought him off." Petyr always assumed it was Catelyn. Catelyn's rage towards Amelia even then led him to believe no notion of Amelia being the one to try and stop the attacker. "I would be dead without her." Bran told him before looking back to the blade. Petyr cleared his throat leaning closer.

 "The other dagger the one that took Catelyn's life I would have stopped that driver with my own heart if I could have I wasn't there for her when she needed me most but I am here for her now to do what she would have done... to protect her children anything I can do for you Brandon need only ask." Petyr said as he leaned in. Bran stared down at the blade.

"Do you know who this belongs to?" Bran asked focused on the blade.

"No." Petyr answered ''that very question was what started the war of the five kings in a way that dagger made you what you are today, forced from your home driven out to the

wilds beyond the wall I imagine you've seen things most men wouldn't believe." Petyr remarked. Bran stared down at the blade still. Petyr held out the blades cover and Bran slipped the blade in. "to go through all of that and make your way home again only to find such... chaos in the world I can only imagine-"

"Chaos is a ladder." Bran corrected as the door opened. 

'I'm sorry to have disturbed you, Lord Stark.' petyr said standing up

'I'm not Lord Stark.' Bran told him, Petyr just smiled and left though.

'What's that?' meera asked gesturing to the chair he was sitting in

'The maester made it so I can move around more easily.' Bran told her.

'It's a very good idea.'

'You're leaving.' Bran noted.

'I don't want to leave you. But when they come I need to be with my family.' Meera told him. 'you are safe now or as safe as anyone can be. You don't need me anymore. You have no need for me anymore.'

'You're right I don't.' Bran agreed

'That's all you've got to say?' she questioned incredulously

'Thank you' Bran told her

'Thank you?' Meera questioned angrily.

'For helping me.' Bran clarified.

'My brother died for you. Hodor and Summer died for you. I almost died for you Brandon!'

'I'm not really Brandon.' he told her 'not anymore. I remember what it felt like to be Brandon Stark I don't remember so much else now.'

'You died in that cave,' she told him turning and leaving the door slamming closed behind her.

"Just another person on the long list of people that hate me too it seems." Amelia remarked pushing open the door. 

"Her anger is at me, not you." Bran corrected. 

"Oh, well that's certainly a relief." Amelia mused. "What's that?" 

"A blade." Bran said holding it out and he saw the look of recognition pass her eyes. 

"A blade you say?" Amelia felt her throat closing up. 

"You know it." Bran remarked. She touched it gently as she took it from him. 

"This blade almost killed you. I know it. I know it with horrific memories." Amelia told him through a shaky breath. "Who gave this to you?" 

"Petyr Baelish."

"How did Petyr get it?" Amelia asked. Bran stared back at her.  Amelia couldnt fathom how Petyr had the blade used to try and kill Bran. Why would Petyr hire someone to kill Bran? What purpose? How else would he come across it?

"It's alright Amelia." Bran told her softly as he held out his hand she gave the blade back to him but he put it down, wanting her hand, not the blade. 

"That was a scary day." Amelia reminded him. "If Summer wasnt there, I don't think either of us would have be here."

"His target was never you." Bran assured her. 

"Yet I got in the way." Amelia reminded. "Something you saw? Did you see that..." Amelia asked softly as he gave her hand a tug pulling her into his lap. 

"You protected me, now it's my turn to protect you." Bran told her. 

"I don't deserve you Bran." Amelia whispered. 

"You deserve the world." Bran corrected. 


''They say you killed Joffrey did you?'' Arya asked

''I wish I had.'' Sansa remarked

''Me too I was angry when I heard someone else had done it. However Long my list got he was always first." Arya hissed

''Your list?''

''Of the people I'm going to kill.'' she said simply and Sansa chuckled

''How do you get back to Winterfell?''

''It's a long story I imagine yours is too''

''Yes not very pleasant one.'' Sansa agreed

''Mine either but it worked out in the end. But our stories aren't over yet." Arya remarked.

"I know.'' she agreed ''they're not.''

"Bran is here. Rickon too."


"Amelia too." Sansa added. 

"What?" Arya spat. 

"She was with Brienne of Tarth when they found me." Sansa grumbled. 

"Kill her!" Arya shouted marching to the door. 

"Jon doesnt want that." Sansa informed her grabbing her arm. 

"Jon is not here-"

"Rickon and Bran like her. Still think she is innocent." Sansa went on. 

"She is a Lannister!" Arya corrected. 

"That's what I keep saying! No one listens to me when I say she needs to go." Sansa agreed. Arya let out a huff. 

"I want to see Rickon and Bran first." Arya remarked. "Then we deal with the traitor in our house."

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