36. I love you

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''Lady Amelia Lannister you have been summoned to Lord robb king of the norths camps.'' Amelia looked to Bran before standing up.

'Bye Bran.' She kissed his head as he grabbed her hand.

'I don't want you to go. I don't want her to go.' Bran told the guards.

'sorry little lord. The king of the north demands it.'

'I fear my time has come.' Amelia told him. 'it has been a honor getting to know you.' Amelia told him and he saw the tears in her eyes.

'he wont kill you.' Bran told her.

'I think he is going to use me as leverage and if he doesn't get use of me....' her words drifted off. 'goodbye Bran. You are the best of the starks.'

'don't go.' Bran begged.

''Time to go princess. ''

''No''. Bran repeated and amelia looked to ser rumlow with a shaky breath.

''It's okay.'' Amelia whsipered pressing her forehead to Brans

''Dont go. I dont want you to go.'' Bran told her. Amelia looked at him with teary eyes. ''Please amelia,'' Bran whimpered. She brought her hands up to his cheeks.

She opened her mouth but didnt know what to say. She blinked and tears rolled down her cheeks.


''I love you Brandon Stark.'' Amelia told him and very gently she kissed him. ''I hope we meet again.'' Bran reached for her but she slid away from him. ''Goodbye Bran.''

''I love you Amelia,'' Bran called after her and she offered him the saddest of smiles as Rumlow grabbed her arm dragging her away.


''I need to get to Pyke.'' Theon remarked when he landed.

'I'll find you a horse.'

'I'm heading that way. I can take you there.' Yara remarked riding up to them.

'I bet you can.' Theon remarked.

'Have you been at sea long? Or were there just no women where you came from?' Yara questioned smugly.

'''Do you know who I am?''

'You think I offer free rides to every man in jewelry, Lord Greyjoy?'' yara countered.

'Have my things sent up to the castle." Theon remarked as they headed off 'You should give me the reins.''

'I'm a better rider than you.'

'I've been on horseback for the past nine years.' Theon corrected

'Nine years? Do you still know your way around a ship? Have these hands ever touched a rope?'' Yara questioned

'Don't you worry about my hands. The sea is in my blood.'' Theon assured his gaze shifting to the water as his hands slipped into her pants, Yara couldn't help the smug look on her face. ''I have a proposal for my father, one that will make him king again, and me after him.'' Theon informed her as he jumped down.

"Riding with the future prince... what a tale to tell." Yara remarked as theon headed in.


'Nine years, is it? They took a frightened boy. What have they given back?'' Baylor Greyjoy remarked sneering down at Theon.

'A man. Your blood and your heir.' Theon corrected

'We shall see.'' Baylor mused. ''Stark had you longer than I did.''

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