50. Chickens

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'I was always jealous of Robb,' jon admitted. 'he always got my fathers attention, he was better at riding and fighting and the girls all loved him-' Jon remarked for the news of Robbs dead had spread like wildfire and he thought this was his chance to save someone in his family, to find Bran. Not all the starks had to die. ''but I still loved robb, he was always a good friend and an honorable man.'

'I was jealous of you.' Sam informed him. 'I felt the same about you, better at everything and defiantly more handsome.' Sam said looking down to his feet


Trudging through the snow Bran, Hodor, Jojen and Meera felt like they would never mate.

'You're not going to make it,' Meera told Jojen as he fell into the snow, his foot catching on the slippery ground.

'we're already here.' Bran told them. 'Jojen look!' Bran said from the top of the hill. Meera ran to catch up while Jojen trudged along. Jojen was falling behind when something grabbed his leg pulling him under the snow, soon monsters were coming out of the snow, coming at them from all directions. Meera ran back to help her brother, getting him out of the monsters grasp suddenly the whole beast came up a skeleton, a walking moving breathing skeleton.

"BRAN!" Jojen demanded and Hodor put him down and Bran entered Hodors mind. Hodor ran ahead tearing at the beasts. Then Meera noticed Bran, the creatures rushing towards him, luckily summer got to him in time. Bran's mind elsewhere and his body was vulnerable in that state.

'Brandon Stark you must come with us.' A creature told them appearing out of nowhere. 'Come with me or die with these creatures!' another one popped out from the snow. Hodor picked Bran up running with him towards the woman.

'Jojen come on!' Meere called as they chased after them. But he was pulled under. Meera screamed out for her brother turning back to get him as he was consumed.

'They cannot follow us the power that moves them is upon us.' The woman said.

'Who are you?'

'The first men called us the children but we were born long before then. Come he waits for you.' the woman said running off

Hodor carried Bran deeper into the cave tree roots tangled around them as they tried to keep up with the children. Meera couldn't breathe, her brother was gone.

'You are the three eyed Raven.' Bran said it as a statement but he meant it as a question.

'I have been many things now I am what you see.' the man told him

'My brother lead us to you.' Meera told him. 'Well he tried to.'

'He knew it would happen from the moment he left, he knew and he went anyway.' the man told her

'how do you know me?' Bran asked

'I have been watching you, all of you, all of your lives with 1000 lives in one. Now you've come to me at last Brandon stark, and the hour is late.' The man told them.

'I didn't want anyone to die for me.' Bran told him.

'He died so you can find what you lost.' The man told him.

'You are going to help me walk again?' Bran questioned hopefully.

'You will never walk again' the man told him 'but you will fly.'


'I'm hungry, the bitch is hungry, youre hungry.' Arya complained as they looked through the bushes at a tavern.

"I'm the bitch?" Amelia countered with a scoff.

'five horses. Five men. More than I feel like killing on an empty stomach.' Sandor told them. But arya wasn't ready to leave. Two men walked out to take a piss and arya grabbed sandor's hand pointing at one of the guards.

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