88. Rumor

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''I heard a nasty little rumor that you were leaving.' Amelia told sandor and he looked back at her his face pinched. 'don't do this.' Amelia begged. 'sandor-'

'Amelia I have to, I have to do this.'

'but if killing him... what if you don't come back?'

"As long as kill Gregor I'm okay with that gorgeous.'

'I'm not.' Amelia whimpered.

'you don't need me, you got Bran now.'

'I'm always going to need you sandor. You have been the one constant in my life, all my life. You have always protected me, don't stop now.' she pleaded.

'I have to kill him, gorgeous. I have to.' he whispered kissing her head.

'kill him and promise me you will come back.'

Sandor stared down at her, as she pleaded with him to come back. He couldnt promise that. He didnt know how this would end. 

"I love you, gorgeous." Sandor whispered hugging her tight. 


'Whenever a Targaryen is born the gods flip a coin in the world holds its breath' varys told jon.

'What do you want?'

'A rightful heir on the throne'

'I don't want it I never have.' Jon told him

'I have known more kings and queens than any man I've seen what they do in front of the crowds and the shadows but what I tell you now is true, you will the rule wisely while she-'

'She is my queen!' Jon told him storming off. 


'I want to be alone with the prisoner' tyrion told jaimes guard.

'We were ordered to stay with the prisoner' he informed tyrion.

'By the queen?'


'Then whoever it is I'm sure I out rank them by a lot.' He entered the tent where Jaime was being held. 'how did they find you?' tyrion asked and Jaime raised a golden hand. 'Did you consider taking it off?'

'Cersei once called me the stupidest Lannister...' jaime told him

'you're going back there to die with her?' Tyrion questioned.

"Amelia hates me, Cersei doesnt. At least I can tell Cersei that Amelia is alive before I die." Jaime offered. 

"I told her." Tyrion corrected. 


"I told her after we showed her the walker. She didnt believe me apparently." Tyrion remarked. "I told her Amelia was at winterfell, and when the walkers came they would attack there first and she didnt care to come and save her last daughter." Tyrion spat. "You run from her because it's hard? I hear parenting is hard," Tyrion agreed. "But you don't fucking run!"

"She is better without me." Jaime murmured. 

"You are right about that." Tyrion agreed. 

"Will you look after her? After all this?"

"Of course." Tyrion agreed. "She has always been my favorite, but we have to survive this first." he reminded Jaime. 


"Are you worried?" Bran whispered into the dark room, Rickon's snores could be heard from the other side of the bed as Amelia curled up next to Bran. 

"I am." She agreed. "Do you... could you... maybe check on them?" Amelia whispered. 

"Your father left." Bran remarked.

"I know." Amelia agreed. "But he's not my father. The only blood I have that I care about is my uncle Tyrion." Amelia informed him. "My family, my siblings, they died a long time ago."

"Tyrion is a smart man."

"He is, he is so kind and smart, he tells the best stories..." Amelia remarked softly. "I worry about him. He's not a fighter... Sandor went to kill his brother."

"I saw him and Arya at the gates." Bran admitted. 

"He's going to die, isnt he?" Amelia whimpered. 

"No." Bran answered confidently. 

"You saw the future?" Amelia mused. 

"No." Bran corrected. 

"He's a big guy, I know that. But his brother is bigger. Sandor has a heart, Gregor has always been a monster." Amelia informed him softly. "I just don't want him to get hurt over revenge. He's family to me too."


"What happens to the north?" Sansa asked while breaking their fast the next morning. Bran stared back at her. "You know things, do you know this?" 

"Many possibilities." Bran countered. 

"What happens to the north? To our home? If Cersei wins-"

"She won't win." Amelia said softly as she pushed food around her plate. "Daenarys has a dragon." Amelia reminded her. "Cersei won't win."

"Amelia is right." Bran agreed. 

"So what happens to the north?" Sansa asked again.

"That is up to Jon." Bran remarked. 

"Jon?" Amelia countered. "Because they named him king of the north?"

"Because he is Aegon Targaryen." Bran corrected.

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