42. Black Magic

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'It's OK OSHA'

'It's not OK you don't think I hear him talking to you filling your head with black magic!' she spat at them. 'Talking about visions and three eyed raisins and worse'

'Leave him alone' Meera said

'He can speak for himself'

'I fill his head with nothing.' Jojen informed her.

'So what are you talking about?' osha snapped.

'what's happening to him, what happens next.' Jojen told her

'Go on tell him what it means'

'It's not like that, I wish I could tell him it would be much easier.' Jojen informed her.

'I don't want you talking to him anymore until we get to your brother at Castle Black' OSHA said

'We're not going to Castle Black' Jojen told her

'What did you say?' She snapped turning back them

'I told you already Jon Snow is not there Bran needs to find the three eyed raven.' Jojen reminded her.

'Oh no I'm not going back there. your brothers at Castle Black that's where we're going. Look at me!' Osha demanded.

'The ravens been coming to me ever since I fell from that tower. he wants me to find him, I don't have my legs anymore this is what I have now.' Bran told her.

'You have a family, we need to go to Castle Black so we can get to them , where you belong.' Osha tried to reason with him.

'What if I don't belong in the north? what if I fell from that tower for a reason and that this-'

'is what he's telling you? That this is all for a reason? all these bad things happen because the gods got big plans for you? I wish it were true but the Lord wouldn't spare ravens shit For you or for me.' she told him.

'you don't understand you don't know-'

'You don't know! none of you know! none of you know! none of you have been up there!' Osha yelled 'I had a man once,' she told them, she wasn't yelling anymore as she sat down. 'A good man, Bruni I was his and he was mine but one night Bruni disappeared and people said he left me but I knew him. He would never leave me not for long. I knew he would come back. And he did. He came in through the back of the hut only wasn't Bruni, not really. His skin was pale like the dead man's, eyes are bluer than a clear sky. He came at me grabbed me by the neck and squeezed so hard I could feel the life slipping out of me. I don't know how I got the knife when I did I stuck it deep into his heart. And he hardly seem to notice I had to burn our hut down with him inside. I didn't ask the gods or demons didn't need to... I already knew the north was no place for men to be not anymore,' she told them 'I promised your measter I would get you to Castle Black and no further.' she told Bran marching away


'I heard some nasty little rumors about you nephew.' Edmure said

'Oh would you shut up about that and don't call him nephew you call him King!'

'The Lord knows I meant him no disrespect.' Edmure said stubbornly.

'You're lucky I'm not your King. I wouldn't let you wave your blunders around like a victory flag.' Robb watch the two with distaste.

'I heard that Tywins mad dog left Castlery rock with his tail between his legs. I think cause king Robb understands we're not going to win, if we're not winning any battles and there's enough glory to go around.'

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