Chapter 10

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Y/n's POV:

"Alright, you guys ready," Five asks as Lila and I stand next to him.



Five picks up the briefcase that was in front of us. Lila and I put our hands on Five's shoulder. He opens the briefcase and it powers up. A couple of seconds later we disappear into the blue light.

I groan in pain as Lila, Five and I land on one of the tables in the hotel lobby. The table breaks and the three of us fall onto the ground and on top of each other. I try to put my hand on Lila so I can help myself up but she just pushes me off of her.

"Shoo," she says as she pushes me.

Five stands up and holds out his hand out for me. I take it and he pulls me up.

"You okay," he asks as he moves some hair away from my face.

"Yup, all good. You?"

"All good."

"Where have you been," Viktor asks us.

"Facing our mortality, Viktor. I don't recommend it," Five says.

"You had the briefcase? We've been looking for this," Allison says angrily as she storms towards us.

"Well, look no further. That's the last one on Earth," Five says as he points to the briefcase.

"Or was the last one," I mumble.

Allison picks up the briefcase and examines it. Five and I step towards her and look at the briefcase. Yeah...this thing was not usable. It had dents all in it from where Five, Lila, and I landed on it. It also had smoke coming from it. I watch as Allison scoffs and throws the briefcase to the ground. She storms over to the stairs and sits on them. Jesus christ what has been her problem lately?

"Yeah, that's toast," Five says as he examines the briefcase some more. When some more smoke starts coming from it he tosses it onto the ground. "Oh shit. All right."

I watch as Lila runs over to Diego and hugs him. Diego was shocked at first but hugs her back.

"Hey. You're happy to see me. What's wrong," Diego asks.

"Turns out there's less time to hold grudges than I had planned. You're off the hook. Hey, where's Stan," Lila asks as she looks around.

A small smile comes to my face. As much as I dislike Lila, it kinda feels nice to see her and Diego back. Diego looks less depressed now. Even tho I hate to admit it, Lila is starting to warm up to me. And I know she is slowly warming up to Five too. Doesn't mean she is off the hook for what she did in Dallas but a part of me feels bad for her because of how The Handler used her. Five won't admit it, but I know deep down he feels a little bit sorry too. And I didn't even have to read his mind to find that out.

I jump a little when someone's put their hand on my shoulder. I look over to see it was Five.

"You good," he asks.

"Yup, all good."

"Good." Five gives me a small smile before turning around and pointing to Luther and Diego, who were now talking to each other. "Hey, Chatty Cathys, quit the chitchat, all right? I'm calling a family meeting here."

Just as Lila was about to walk away, Diego grabs her arm and pulls her back.

"Ah, ah, ah. That means you too," he says.

"Where's Klaus," I ask as I look around.

Diego looks around for a second before stopping and staring at something in the hallway. I turn around to see it was Stan. He was holding a bunch of cleaning supplies and looked...scared? He and Diego make eye contact for a few seconds before Stan quickly walks away.

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