Chapter 24

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Just to let you guys know, this chapter is intentionally short. I didn't post this on accident lol.

I have never been scared of death. All my life I have been avoiding near-death experiences because of both Dad and The Commission. I have cheated death so many times. I even died before but was lucky enough to be resurrected because my husband went back in time and saved us all.

But no matter how many times I have gotten close to death, cheated death, and even died; I was never prepared for it.

When you know you are going to die soon, you convince yourself that you are prepared and not scared. How you may not have had a perfect life but you wouldn't change anything about the way you lived. And other times you even think about how you are okay with dying. How you have nothing else to do on this earth and it's your time to go.

But all that immediately changes when you truly realize that you only have a minute or two left on this earth. You begin to think about everything you regret. Everything you wish you did do. Everything you wish you have done better before you die.

My mind drowns out all the commotion going on around me. I can't exactly hear what everyone is saying. It all just comes out muffled. I think I hear someone yelling my name, but I'm not sure.

My vision is becoming blurry and my body aches so badly. I wonder if this is part of the process of my death. If I am actually dying now and my mind is tricking me and making everything go in slow motion so I suffer more.

My breath shortens. I can feel my body dropping to the floor and on my knees as I gasp for air. My limbs go numb. The ringing in my ear gets louder and louder to the point I'm convinced my eardrums exploded.

I can't breathe...

I see what I think are stars. But they are blue and they are moving fast. Too fast to be stars. I realize I have been seeing this for a while now which explains why I can't see anything in the room I'm supposed to be standing in. I can see other things around the stars but all I can focus on are how fast they are moving around everywhere. I realize I have seen this before but my mind is so crazy right now I can't remember when or how.

The last thing I remember is someone calling my name and me not being able to breath

Everything goes black and my body hits the floor.

Question for this Chapter: what is your guys' favorite subject in school?

Me: History. History has always been my favorite/best subject in school

I hope you guys like what I have planned. It might be a little dramatic but this is the last book so why not add a little drama into the mix😏

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