Bonus Chapter 3

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Before we start here is a reminder of everyone's kids and their powers since there is a lot of them lol:

Five and Y/n's kids: Zane (remove and give back memory and can see into the future and past), Elenor (rewind time) Amelia (fast forward time) (together they can pause time). Lucas (invisibility)

Sloane and Luther's kid; Olivia (can create black holes.) you will see what she discovers her second power is in this chapter 🤫

Diego and Lila's kid: Annlee (Velocity manipulation and can disable people's powers/take them away)

Allison's kid: Claire (elemental manipulation)

Okay let's get started lol

December 2033:

Y/n's POV:

I look up from my book when I hear someone walk into the room. I watch as Five walks in. He puts his briefcase down next to our dresser and walks over to our bed. I raise my eyebrow as I look at him. Something is wrong...

"How was work," I ask cautiously.

Five looks at me. He looks nervous...

"Ummm...," he begins to say. He sits next to me and gives me a quick kiss, but after he continues to stay silent.

"You're scaring me. What is it," I ask. Five sighs.

"I may or may not have had to fire some people today at The Commission," he says.

"Okay... when we are talking about some people how many do we mean?"

Five hesitates for a second.

"Five... how many?"


My eyes widen as I sit up.

"TWENTY," I yell.

"I know it sounds bad-"


"But there is a really good reason for it!"

"Five there better be good or so God help me," I say.

Five sighs and lays back on the bed. "Lila and I got an anonymous tip yesterday that there is a group of workers who are rebelling against The Commission. Apparently, it's a group of people who miss how The Commission used to be. Like you know... with the whole killing and stuff. They don't like how we run things now."

"They were ex assigns," I ask.

"Yeah. They were part of the Correction division so can you really blame them?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Y/n, we, along with hundreds of other people, have the DNA of killers and psychopaths in us. That is what they put in us when they did those experiments when we first joined The Commission. Because of this it messed with our brains and made us killers which is how we were so good at our jobs," Five says.

"I know. How could I forget," I ask.

"Right. Obviously, we don't do that anymore but be honest with yourself, are there not any times when you sometimes... miss the killing?"

"Well, I mean, yeah. But that's just the DNA messing with our brains. We obviously know not to do that."

"I know that, but the urge is still there sometimes. I guess that group of people get the urges too sometimes, they just don't know how to control it."

"So what have they been doing? They haven't know, killing people, have they," I ask.

"On missions, no. But we don't know what they do when they aren't on missions," Five explains.

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