Chapter 18

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I'm going to put a little TW here, this chapter will have mentions of the death of a loved one and talks of depression

Y/n's POV:

I take a bite out of the Twix bar in my hand as I walk down the hallway. Lila and I both finally found dresses for the wedding after raiding that one room for 2 hours. We also got some shoes and accessories. I have to admit, it was fun to hang out with her. She actually isn't that bad of a person once you get to know her. I think we are slowly becoming friends.

I come to a halt when I hear music coming from down below me. It sounded like the song I've Had The Time of My Life. But that wasn't just it... it wasn't Jennifer Warnes and Bill Medley singing it. It was someone else. Actually, it sounded like it was multiple people. I look around the hallway and notice a balcony. I walk over to it and look down. A smile comes to my face when I see who was singing. It was Luther, Klaus, Viktor, Five, and Diego. I could tell they were all probably tipsy because each of them was holding alcohol bottles.

I laugh as I watch them dance and sing. If I'm being honest...they don't sound that bad. Well, everyone except for Diego. He could take a few voice lessons. I watch Five with a smile on my face as he sings and jumps around. It's nice to see him genuinely happy and hanging out with someone else besides me. Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with Five, but everyone needs to hang out with someone else every once and a while. I think this is exactly what he needed. Something to keep his mind off of the end of the world.

When the song comes to an end and the boys stop singing, I cup my mouth and mimic the sounds of a buzzer. The boys all look up at me in shock.

"It's a no for me, especially for you Diego. Stick to knife throwing," I say. I laugh as Diego flips me off. "I'm surprised you got Five to sing tho. I thought I would be the only one to convince him to sing. In fact, in the apocalypse, he swore that the only person he would sing for was me."

"Well the world is ending so I say fuck it and embarrass my musical talent," Five says before taking a sip from his bottle. I laugh and give them all a smile.

"Glad you guys are having fun tho."

"What are you doing," Viktor asks.

"Looking for a washing machine. I found a dress for the wedding but I wanna wash it first."

"Did you go dress hunting with Lila," Diego asks. He gives me that look that's telling me he is trying to ask me something else without having to say it out loud.

Did Lila tell you she's pregnant?

"Yeah, yeah we went dress hunting. Broke into a bunch of rich people's rooms. Room 902 had a very rich couple living there. Their closet is full of fancy clothes. And I mean full. So if you guys need something to wear I recommend you check that room."

Everyone nods their head. I look at Diego and give him a small smile.

"Congrats Diego. You are going to be an amazing father," I tell him telepathically. He smiles as he mouths the words 'Thank you.' I give him a small nod.

"Alright, I better get going. You guys have fun," I say.

Just as I was about to walk away, Luther stops me.

"Hey, wait, can you guys give me some marriage advice," he asks Five and I.

Five and I both look at each other before nodding our heads. I walk down the stairs that was near the balcony and head over to the boys.

"What's in the bags," Klaus asks as I sit down next to Five and Luther. I look down at the two tote bags that were in my hand and set them down.

"Oh yeah. One has my stuff for the wedding and the other has snacks. I was hungry but I didn't know where the kitchen was and then I ran across one of the vending machines in the hallway but I realized my money was in our room and I didn't want to go get it. So, I did what Five does when he can't get the snack he wants out of a vending machine..."

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