Chapter 22

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Y/n's POV:

I groan as my eyes open. The sunlight that is filling the room shines right in my eyes. I sigh and rub my temple. My head is pounding.

I look underneath the blanket when I feel a warm pair of arms wrapped around my waste. I turn around and smile. Five is sleeping peacefully next to me. It then occurs to me that I was only in a t-shirt that was a bit too big for me. It was the shirt Five wore when we went on the trip with Klaus. I look around the room to see my dress, bra, and underwear were all on the floor. I hardly have any recollection of what happened last night.

I turn around and look at Five. He had no shirt but he was in some sleep pants that I convinced him to buy. Even though we were drunk, I'm glad we had a little bit of sense to put some clothes on to bed. Personally, I hate falling asleep naked after sex. It gets too hot and sweaty.

I turn my whole body around to where I am facing Five. I smile and move some of his messy hair out of his face as I try to remember what happened last night. Everything is a blur. I just remember bits and pieces of it.

We got drunk at the wedding and afterwards, we went and had some fun of our own. My face turns red as I get some small flashbacks.

"You thinking of last night?"

I snap out of it and see Five looking at me. I can't say anything as all the small memories of last night fill my head. There are probably more that I can't even remember. I just know we were beyond drunk. I look at Five and nod my head.

"I can tell. Your face is red," he says with a smile. His headache must have just hit him because he sucks in a breath and rubs his temple. "Ow..."

I turn around so I'm laying on my back and looking up at the ceiling.

"What did we get up to last night," I ask.

"I don't know. We were wasted," Five says.

"At least we were sober enough to fall asleep in our room with some clothes on."

"True. I remember having fun though."

I smile and look at Five.

"Oh really," I ask as I move over to where I am straddling his hips. He smiles and puts his hands on my waist.

"Hell yeah."

I smile even more, lean down, and kiss him. I giggle as one of Five's hands moves under my shirt and his other rests on the back of my head. My giggle turns into a groan as he pulls me closer to him so he can kiss me better. We both reck of alcohol and sex but I don't care. I just care about him.

I laugh as Five puts both of his hands back on my waist and flips us over so he was on top of me. I suck in a breath as he starts kissing my neck. I bet there are hickey's on there since it's a little sore, but I don't care, I let him do his thing. Five all of a sudden stops and I give him a confused look.

"What's wrong," I ask as he moves back up so he is face to face with me.

"Who was Reginald talking to in the White Buffalo Suit?"

"Way to ruin the moment."


"It's okay. We gotta shower anyways, but what are you talking about?"

"Last night when we were in the hallway, we heard Dad talking. The door to the White Buffalo Suite was cracked open so we looked inside. He was talking to someone and said something along the lines of 'I can't do this without you.'," Five explains.

It takes me a second but I remember what Five was talking about. Well... I remember bits of it.

"Yeah, he was making a deal with someone," I say.

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