Bonus chapter 2 (Five and Y/n's kids)

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December 4, 2027 (Zane is 6):

Y/n's POV:

"Wow, you really don't know how to cook," I say as I take the sauce spoon from Five.

"45-plus years of marriage and you just figured that out," Five asks.

"I just thought you would be able to make sauce!"

I grab some spices from the cabinet and put them in the sauce to try and get rid of whatever horrible taste Five put in this sauce. As I was doing so, I can see Five from the corner of my eyes slowly grab two cookies from the counter. He slowly lowers his hand and two pairs of hands grab them from him.

"Do not give them cookies before dinner," I say.

"Give who cookies," he asks with a smile.

"El and Lia."

"I didn't-"

Before he could finish his sentence two little giggles fill the kitchen. I turn around and watch as the two three-year-olds run out of the kitchen and up to their rooms.

"Seriously," I ask.

Five smiles and wraps his arms around my waste. "Come on, they can have a cookie before dinner."

"They could also have one after dinner."

"They are three, I doubt they know the difference."

"You spoil them," I say with a smile as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"As their father, it's my sworn duty to. Is this going to be enough food for everyone," Five asks as he looks around the kitchen.

"It's fend for yourself night. It's just for us and the kids."

"Hey Mom, Dad."

Five and I turn around to see Zane standing in the doorway.

"Hey kiddo, what's up," Five asks. He grabs Zane and sets him on the table.

"Weren't you playing with Lucas," I ask as I stir the sauce some more.

"He had to go home. One of the worker ladies picked him up."

"Oh okay."

"I got a question," Zane says.

"Ask away," Five says.

"Where did you guys go?"

I turn around and give Zane a confused look.

"What do you mean? We have been here all day," I tell him.

"Not today. When you were younger. You and Dad went somewhere. Dad used his powers and you guys went somewhere. There was a lot of fire and everything looked broken."

Five and I look at each other with wide eyes. Oh fuck...

"Did you tell him about the apocalypses,"  I ask Five telepathically.

"Absolutely not. Did you?"

"Absolutely not!"

"Zane, how do you know about that," I ask.

"I saw it," he simply says.

"How," Five asks.

"I'm not sure. After Lucas left I was cleaning my room and suddenly a green circle appeared infront of me. I looked in it and there were two people. The boy said "Are you sure you want to go Y/n? What if I get stuck and can't back." and the girl said "Then we get stuck together. I want to go with you Five." Then they ran somewhere. The boy's powers looked like Dad's. You guys went somewhere very colorful. And the next place it was snowing and the place after that there was the fire and everything looked destroyed."

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