Book Q and A

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Hi! So, these are questions I generally get through dms. I've gotten a lot of dms over the years with the same questions so I decided to answer them here.

Let's get to it!

What inspired Y/n and Five?

Short answer: My boyfriend and I.

Honestly, you can kinda see my Five and Y/n inspo change through the books (maybe not now since I went through the books and edited them all but if you are an OG you know what I mean). But when I got with my boyfriend and realized what a relationship is like my inspo changed a bit. It's not just rainbows and sprinkles. There are good days and bad days.

So you can see like in the third book I made Y/n and Five more relationshipy. They don't agree on everything like they did in the first two books. This doesn't mean they argue, they just have their own opinions which is good! Them agreeing on everything is unrealistic. But at the end of the day if you are smart with your decisions/opinions it can work out even if they are different.

I got together with my boyfriend and realized what a relationship is like. It's not just fluff (ofc that's a major part of it) but it's commitment, trust, working through your problems, being there for each other, etc. That's Five and Y/n.

What is your writing process?

So I always write at night and then I just publish when I can. But I have a specific Spotify playlist for Five and Y/n that I made when I first started writing the books. I listen to this playlist when I write. I also have my story notes at the beginning of the book where I write my ideas. I also always write the ending of my books first. That always helps. If you want to listen to Five and Y/n's playlist here is the link:

Here is what it looks like:

Just copy the link and put it in your web browser and it should be there! I'll also put a clickable link in the comments

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Just copy the link and put it in your web browser and it should be there! I'll also put a clickable link in the comments.

What do you wanna be when you grow up?

When I graduate I'm going to college to be a crime scene investigator but I also want to own my Mamma's restaurant when I get older.

Is there anything you got to do to write Y/n?

This kinda goes with the previous question but listening to music when I write. Listening to music gets me into her mindset and what's going on throughout her mind.

Where are you from?

The US!

How old are you?


WhY dOeS y/N cRy So MuCh?

She doesn't. She cries when it's appropriate. I am a big believer of crying being healthy. Y/n has been through so much tramua she needs to let it all out. I like to think she wasn't able to get her emotions out properly as a kid because Reginald said crying was a sign of weakness.

The Time Travelers Wife (Book 3) (Five x reader)Where stories live. Discover now