10/17 - 10/21

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"So tell us. When are you guys going to visit Seattle? You like playing baseball and a huge fan right Jonah?"
"Yes sir I am." I said as we walked Tate's parents down to the car waiting for them. "We're gonna be there for the holidays. We haven't decided Thanksgiving or Christmas yet."
"Come Thanksgiving please. Scarlett is staying with some friends and we need some children there." Her mom said putting her stuff in the trunk. "Then we'll see you then."


      "I thought I taught you better." I said to neighbor. He lived across the street and was always outside when Liam came outside. Even in the winter. "What is your problem with my brother?"
      "That's your brother? Don't you mean foster  brother? I don't see why you want to be acquainted with a guy like him." He said going over to me. "He's my brother by blood. Now if you don't want to get knocked out I'll say you leave him alone."
      "And if I don't?" He sneered leaning in. "Then you won't have teeth the next time I talk to you for one. For two every elder Gallagher boy is gonna have a turn beating you into the ground. You understand?" I asked as my other brothers came over to me.
      "I understand."
      "Now you're gonna apologize."
      "Liam come here."


"I'm scared to tell Carl." Madison said as we waited for him to get off work. "We're not telling him we're gonna ask him."
"Ask me what?" Carl asked coming into the house. "Oh Carl you're early," Madison said getting up.
"Yeah I am but what were you guys gonna ask me." He sais sitting next to us. "We're pregnant and I was wondering if you if you know." She said talking her fingers.
"You're pregnant?" He asked looking down at her stomach. "Wait what do you mean know what?" He asked again looking up at us.
"If you'll be the godfather." I said sliding over the plastic bag the test was in. "Wait you're really pregnant!" He said getting up and hugging Madison.
"Of course I'll be the baby's godfather." He said going over to me and hugging me. I can see Madison mouthing thank god while we hugged. "Wait what do godfathers do exactly?"


      "Why are you so hard headed?" I asked Lip after we got kicked out a club.
      "I'm not hard headed. That bastard flashed Debbie when she was younger." He said wiping his nose.
      "In that case you should've hit him harder. He was barley conscious but still conscious when we left." I said getting into the car.


"What was happening?" I asked sitting on Zach's lap. "I was just telling the neighbors how we met. You was at my house with Debbie and stuff." He said kissing the bottom of my chin smiling. "Talking about Debbie, her and Franny are coming over soon. "
"Are we babysitting again?" He asked sitting up a bit. "No they're staying the night actually. Lainey actually invited them over. So we won't you know." I said getting out his lap.
"Damn it," he mumbled getting up.
"We'll see you guys later," I said as we walked out their apartment going into ours.
"First night in my own place and it had to be ruin by Debbie."
"You get to okay video games with Franny."
He smiles and went inside quickly.
"I got to set everything up so it's perfect."
Giggling I closed the door behind us.

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